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~Clementine's POV~

"It's so hot." I moaned in complaint, sprawling my legs out as I laid on the couch with my head on Ryder's lap. Being that it was technically still summer, it wasn't really much of a surprise that it was hot. However, it seemed to be much hotter today than any of the other days. It was unbearable.

I felt Ryder's long fingers stroke gently through my hair, playing with the long, straight strands. "Well, it is summer and all." He reminded, causing me to huff softly. "We could always go for a swim in the ocean, though, if that sounds nice to you. Maybe it'll cool you down a little." He suggested a moment later. I peeled my lids open and frowned as I peered up at him, pouting slightly. "What will you swim in?" I asked, uncertain if he had anything to wear. I'd packed several different swimsuits and, by miracle alone, only one had actually made it after the plane crashed. Everything else had been lost, along with many of my favorite pairs of shoes, undergarments, and clothes overall. Still, I was grateful that anything of mine had made it. I could have crashed here and had nothing left, or even worse to think, my last moments could have been ones of fear and confusion.

"Well, I have a swimsuit here, obviously. Why would I not keep a swimsuit in a house on a private island of mine?" He teased, poking me on the tip of my nose. I laughed and gently smacked him on the stomach, knowing it didn't hurt him whatsoever from the way his abs just tightened slightly beneath my touch. A smile hinted at my lips as I sat up and turned towards him, clambering onto his lap. "Carry me?" I asked, my heart fluttering when he chuckled and stood from the couch with his grip on my butt for support. He wasn't even throwing a fit about it.

A stupid smile sat on my lips as he carried me up the stairs and into his bedroom, squeezing my butt harshly in his grasp when I kissed his neck softly. "Don't start kissing my neck like that unless you're ready to have my cock in you." He warned, causing me to laugh as he threw me down on the bed.

Unable to help myself from grinning up at him, I slid off the bed and the two of us began to change into our separate swimsuits. I shimmied into my yellow, green and blue patterned bikini, pulling on the matching skirt sheer coverup afterwards and then plopped back down on the bed, looking up when Ryder came walking out of the bathroom. He had changed into a pair of plain black swim trunks, leaving his very muscled torso bare. Biting on my lip, I glanced over his chiseled abs and the pecs of his chest, eventually meeting his gaze when he came to stand before me. "Ready to go now that you're done checking me out, Tiny?" He teased, a playful grin on his full lips.

I stood up from the bed, flushing as his arms slid around my waist and he harshly smacked me on my ass. "Don't say it like you never check me out." I huffed, feeling the warmth of his skin against mine. He cocked up a brow, his fingers beginning to play gently with the ends of my hair. "Don't play with me, Clementine." He murmured, pinching my hip through the thin fabric of the sheer skirt I wore. "Let's just get going."

Giggling softly, Ryder and I left the house, walking down the familiar path towards the side of the beach we always went to. I peeled off the skirt coverup, letting it fall to the sand around my feet as the wind blew my hair through the air.

Ryder came up behind me, his large hands grasping onto my hips as he pulled me back into his chest. "You're so beautiful." He said softly, causing my face to warm, and not from the sun on my skin. "And you're a flatterer." I smiled, going to glance at him over my shoulder when he suddenly hoisted me up in the air. My heart dropped and I squealed in surprise as he threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, giving me a view of his swim-trunk clad butt. "Hey!" I exclaimed, slightly frightened that he would drop me. It wasn't like I was the lightest girl, after all.

"C'mon, Tiny, you were the one who wanted to swim, yeah?" He laughed, his shoulders shaking as he ran towards the ocean with my body bouncing over his shoulders like a rag doll. "Not like this, though!" I cried, kicking my legs to desperately try to get out of his hold, to no avail. He only laughed some more, the deep, bellowing laughter making my stomach flutter with butterflies. I loved hearing him laugh like that, so much so that it almost felt worth it when Ryder lifted me over his head once he reached the shoreline, a scream leaving my lips as he waded into the more shallow part of the water and tossed me in the ocean.

I flailed into the cold water, my head dunking beneath the surface before I rose up from the water, glaring up at him as he stood there, laughing loudly. "Ryder!" I exclaimed, scowling as my wet hair fell into my face, the long strands sticking to my chest.

Grinning like it was the funniest thing in the world, Ry snickered and lowered himself into the water, wading his way towards me ever so slightly. "What?" He asked, feigning innocence. "I thought you said you were hot. All I was trying to do is cool you down." He teased, not at all phased by my glaring. "You're an idiot." I huffed, yet I still found myself smiling nonetheless.

He chuckled, swimming closer until I could feel the water lapping up over my chest from the two of us kicking to keep ourselves afloat, making the water slosh around slightly. "Now I probably look like a drowned rat." I pouted, pushing my hair out of my face. Rolling his eyes, he trailed his fingers across my waist, pulling me into his chest as he placed a gentle, lingering kiss on my lips. I hummed against his lips, trying to stretch a little higher up to reach his kiss, which made him eagerly kiss me back. Forcing myself not to grin, I bit his lip and then pulled away, promptly splashing him in the face.

It was clear that I had managed to surprise him by the way he jerked back, sputtering as water dripped from the tips of his dark hair and ran down the slope of his neck. I couldn't help but to giggle, kicking through the water to move backwards away from him.

"That's what you get for tossing me in the water." I told him, stretching my arms out beside me as I grinned and floated onto my back. I heard him chuckle softly, wiping a hand over his face before he swam a little closer to me again. "You are such a little rascal, you know that?" He murmured, splashing me right back. All I did was grin playfully over at him, straightening again as I swam back again, this time towards the shore. "And what are you going to do about it?" I taunted him, my hair floating around me within the water.

At my clear way of taunting him, he raised his brows, a challenging look sparking in his dark brown eyes. "Oh?" He hummed, the edges of his lips twitching up ever so slightly. "You want to play games, Tiny?" He asked, husky voice coming out almost sinfully low, making a warmth rise within my belly. I couldn't stop myself from giggling, feeling in a rather playful, teasing mood. "What if I did?" I retorted, feeling the sand beneath my bare feet. It felt slightly deep, but I could thankfully stand in it still.

Ry began moving closer to me and I continued backing away, eventually reaching so high up within the shallow water that I could sit on the sand, the water lapping up over my thighs. "Then I'd say you should probably think twice because, right now, the only kind of game I want to play is one that ends up with you naked and on my dick." He warned, his full lips pulling up into a sly, sexy smile that made my core ache.

"So?" He grinned wickedly, probably noticing the flush within my face. "You still want to play?"

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