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When you woke again, you were still cradled in Wilbur's arms, except you were no longer outside on he hill. You looked around and recognized the barren grey walls as your room. You shifted your weight, trying not to wake Wilbur up, only for him to pull you back down to the mattress, his arms wrapping tighter around you.

"Will, I have to get up." You whispered.

"Or you could stay here." Wilbur mumbled.

You sighed. "I promised I'd help Tubbo write his speech."

This got his attention. He let you get up, and he walked over to the door. You expected him to leave, but he turned around to face you instead.

"I'm sorry about last night. It was just late and I didn't want to wake Tommy up, and your bed looked so comfor-" you cut him off by reaching up and cupping his jaw in your hand. You rubbed your thumb gently on his skin.

"There's no need to apologize." You said, staring into his eyes. You stood like that for a few minutes, his hands resting on your hips while you mapped out the features of his face. The way his eyes always sparkled, the way his hair fell in the softest waves.

"I... should probably go..." He said, his hands guiding you closer to him, his eyes trailing down you your lips, sending butterflies erupting in your stomach.

The door slammed open. You let go of Will and quickly shuffled a few steps away. Standing in your doorway was Dream. He was adjusting his mask, covering his face.

"No time for distractions, Wilbur. We have a festival to plan." He said, holding a stick of dynamite, twirling the fuse with his gloved hands.

"Right." Wilbur said, stealing a glance at you. You saw that his face was bright red, and you giggled, making him turn an even darker shade. He left the room, Dream following. You didn't bother changing out of Will's sweatshirt, you just put on your boots. You grabbed your brush and brushed out your hair. You decided to leave your hair down today. You always left it up in a bun, so you wanted to do something different.

You walked out into the cavern, finding Tubbo and Tommy sitting at the table. You sat down next to Tommy.

"Woah, what happened to you?" Tommy said picking a piece of you hair up and lightly tugging on it.

"Be nice Tommy. I think she looks pretty." Tubbo frowned at Tommy.

You smiled. "So how far have you gotten on your speech?"

Tommy banged his fist on the table, and you raised your eyebrow.

"That bad, huh?" You looked at Tubbo for a better response.

He hung his head. "I can't figure out how to end the speech. Ive gotten the rest figured out, I just need help with the end."

Tommy rolled his eyes. "I told him just to say thank you for coming."

You shake your head. "I think you should say something more light hearted than that. Less formal."

"Oh yeah? Then you tell us what he should say." Tommy said.

"How about..." you thought for a moment. "Let the festival begin?" You finished.

Tubbo jumped up from the table, pointing his pen at you. "Yes! That!" He bent over the table, scratching something down on the paper in front of him.

"It's about time." Tommy said. "The festival is tomorrow, innit?"

"Yeah." Tubbo said, he gave Tommy the sad eyes.

"Oh no. No no no." Tommy said, standing up from the table, backing away.

"Pleeeease?" Tubbo pleaded. "It wont take long, I promise!"

Tommy sighed. "Fine. I'll help you practice your dumb speech."

You smiled, getting up from the table. Tommy and Tubbo reminded you of Ember and Bennett. They have such a strong friendship, and you often found yourself jealous of how close they are.

You found yourself in the potato farm, Techno leaned over a plant a few rows away.

"Can I help?" You asked. He looked up from the plant, his bone mask replaced by a pair of glasses.

"Well that depends. How much do you know about potato plants?" He moved around the rows of plants, taking off his gloves and standing in front of you.

"Honestly? Not much." You said. Techno shook his head.

"How well can you listen?" He grinned.

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