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You had been sitting at the table with Niki, Tommy, and Tubbo all day. Tommy had demanded you teach him how to play cards, and wouldn't be happy unless you did. Techno and Wilbur had left a while ago, but the didn't say where they were going. Instead, they left you and Niki to babysit the children. Well, maybe just Tommy.

Tubbo picked up a card before throwing it out to the table.

"Ace! I win again!" He shouted.

"That's not faiiirrrrrr!" Tommy whined, slamming his handful of cards on the table, scattering them everywhere. "I would have won! You've won every time!"

Your attention was directed over to the stairwell, where a slow moving shadow caught your eye.

"Quackity, you're back already? How'd the meeting go?" You sat back in your chair, putting your cards on the edge of the table. Tommy immediately reached across the table and grabbed them, shuffling through them, brows still furrowed.

The figure stayed in the darkness, looking quite small.

"Quackity?" You asked the darkness. The rest of the table turned to look.

"That's not Quackity..." Niki said quietly.

The figure stepped into the light. Niki was right, it was not Quackity. The man had a very thin, fox-like face, his upturned nose and sharp jaw giving his overall face shape a very pointed look. His hair was a copper color, but you could only tell if you looked closely. From a distance it looked brown. He had white streaks in his hair, but you couldn't tell if they were natural or dyed. He was tall. Much taller than you, and maybe even a little taller than Tommy, but he was very lanky, only not in the boyish way Tommy was. He was a bit more graceful and sure of his movements.

"What are you doing here?" Tommy growled. Tubbo covered his face with his hands.

The man hung his head, his hair covering his eyes. You could see a glint on his cheeks. He was crying.

The door to Wilbur and Tommy's room opened, and Wilbur stepped out into the cavern. He stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes tracing over the man.

"What makes you think you can show your face around here? After what you did?" Wilbur angrily shook his head and turned away from him, walking towards the table. "You're a disgrace to my family's name."

You looked at him in shock as he sat down next to you.

"Traitor." Tommy snapped from his seat. "Wilbur, do you realize this place has been plagued by traitors? First Techno and Quackity, and now Fundy?" He listed off, counting fingers.

"I never said he could stay." Wilbur said shortly.

"But he's your son." Nikki said quietly.

"He's dead to me." Wilbur snapped. "You have no idea how it feels to see your own son tearing down the walls you built to keep him safe. Going against everything you ever taught him. And worse, allying with Schlatt?"

"I- I regret all of that." The man said quietly. His voice was barely audible, and you had to shift forward a tad to hear him. "I heard you were going to take down Schlatt, so I thought this would be useful." You could hear a slight edge of a Dutch accent in his voice. He pulled a book out from his jacket. Carefully walking nearer to the table, he carefully laid it down on the old, wooden surface before retreating quickly to the stairwell. Wilbur picked up the book.

"What is this?" Wilbur asked, not paying attention to the man on the stairs.

Fundy turned around, already half way up the stairs. "I kept a spy journal. I hoped that you would try and take back Manburg, so I kept a record of Schlatt and all of his weaknesses."

"Maybe he could be of some use to us." Techno said. You hadn't even notice him enter he room. He was standing in the doorway of the potato farm. Wilbur flipped through the journal.

"I just want you to know my allegiance has always been with you. With L'Manburg." Fundy turned to leave, silently stepping up a few steps, when there was a commotion on the bridge above.

"Get your fucking hands off of me!" You heard Quackity scream from the bridge before he came into view. He was hoisted over the railing of the bridge.

"Dream! What the hell are you doing?!" Wilbur demanded, standing up. You saw a shadow standing behind Quackity, only the white smile mask was visible. He was effortlessly holding Quackity over the side of the bridge, not letting go. Simply letting him hang 15 feet above the ground.

"Schlatt has struck a deal with me. I will have to intervene in any plans to overthrow him. Take this as a warning. Disregarding my warning will result in war. Consider your sorry lot warned." Dream growled. He let Quackity go and turned to walk away as Quackity fell. His body hit the ground with a loud thump that bounced around the cavern walls.

"Then a war it is! We will not surrender to you. We've fought you once, and we will fight you again." Wilbur screamed. Niki rushed to the crumpled outline of Quackity.

Dream paused in the doorway, not facing you. "You're a fool, Soot. You have two weeks." He pulled down the hood of his sweatshirt and unclipped his mask, still facing the doorway. "I thought I'd let you know," he rested a hand on the doorway. You could just barely see a mop of dirty blonde hair covering his head. "One amongst you is a traitor." He spat before finally slipping into the darkness and leaving.

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