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(A/N: Please spare me if I get things wrong. I'm just basing this story on "If the Emperor Had a Text-To-Speech Device. Feel free to correct me! Thank you!)

--Start of Flashback--

(Jaune's POV)

Once upon a time... I was... ME... I was a weak little boy in the wretched family called the Arcs. All I requested was to be loved by my relatives, but that's too much to handle for them. So... I just take the humility and deal with it. Being dressed up like a doll is embarrassing, but there's nothing I can do. I endured that hell for a decade and a half, then I forged my way into Beacon, hoping for a better life. But no! It fucking sucks! I am THE worst student of the fucking school! Ozpin is just a passive lump of meat, Oobleck is a crackhead, Port is a senile old man that needs to shut the fuck up, and Goodwitch is a fucking bitch! She's been giving me detention despite my best efforts! It's getting to the point that I'm not even attending class because it's not even worth it. To make things worse, I'm getting blackmailed by Cardin Winchester, and my team is losing faith in me. I mean, I don't blame them, but jeez! Help me! Help ME! MOTHERFUCKERS! I hate them so fucking much to the point I want to rip their spines out and eat them. Aside from my mental rage, I walk across the cafeteria and grab a bottle of water before approaching the library. Cardin hollers for me, but I put up my right hand and flip him off. He starts yelling at me like a bitch, but I ignore his calls then continue my way to the library. Suddenly, I hear voices coming from my dorm, so I stop and listen to the voices of my teammates.

Pyrrha (Muffled): I like Jaune, but he's... Lacking severely... 

Nora (Muffled): What do you mean, Pyrrha?

Pyrrha (Muffled): Nora, haven't you noticed? He's been lacking in physical tests and failing his assignments. 

Nora (Muffled): Yeah, I notice that, Pyrrha... Jaune kinda... Well... Sucks.

Me: *In head* Suck? Bitch, please... I at least I don't suck out maple syrup from a bottle like some whore giving a sloppy head. 

Ren (Muffled): Unfortunately, I have to agree with Nora... Why is he even in this school? Is he trying to prove something? If so, he's doing horribly at it.

Pyrrha (Muffled): So, what are we going to do?

Ren (Muffled): The best solution is to tell the Headmaster to expel him and vote you into our team leader.

After he said that, I grit my teeth with hate before turning away and exiting the building. If they want me to leave, then so be it! I'll fucking leave them! See how they like it, well, they probably won't care, but fuck 'em! I throw the bottle into the wall and it bursts then covers the concrete with water. My rage is increasing ever so, and my left eye bursts a blood vessel. Unfortunately, I feel someone grabbing my shoulder, then I turn to see a smug Cardin.

Cardin: Well, well, well! Looks who it is! It's Jaune 'Loser' Arc! Hahaha! What's wrong, buddy? Too scared-

I interrupt him by grabbing his arm and flipping him onto his back. Next, I twist it into an irregular angle before stomping on his neck. He tries to get me off, but I apply more pressure onto his worthless neck. Suddenly, I hear Goodwitch's voice calling out to me.

Glynda: Mr. Arc! What are you doing to Mr. Winchester?!

I face her with my bloodshot eye, and she stops where she stands. The bitch covers her mouth in shock, then I release my foot from my opponent's neck before picking him up and throwing him at her. As soon as I release the body, I turn and start running to the cliff upon the Emerald Forest. I step onto the launch pad then eject myself into the air just in time to escape Glynda's bubble. I land on a fallen tree before continuing my run. But, I am not alone as few Beowolves start chasing me. I realize that I don't have my sword and shield with me, so I have to improvise. Luckily, I see a sword embedded in a stump, and without hesitation, I grab the sword then face my foes. I may be shit in combat, but my willpower is driving me to survive. The first one charges me, and I roll under it then rip his belly open. Another swipes its claws, but I slice its hands off before shoving my weapon down its throat. Suddenly, I get grabbed then throw onto a rockface. The back of my head gets slammed onto the rock, then I feel something wet dribbling down my neck. I swipe my hand then look to see it covered in blood

Me: If I am to die, I DIE STANDING!  

With that said, I charge the remaining beasts with my sword ready to kill. The third Beowolf pounces, so I slice it in half before drop-kicking the fourth one. However, another Grimm slaps me across the face with its claws. 


With a swipe of my sword, the head falls off its neck before collapsing onto the ground. I look down onto the creature beneath my boot, so I shove my blade into its chest then twist it to inflict more damage. The creature screams in pain and dies right there; I pant heavily as more blood leaks out of my wounds. Unfortunately, I hear more growls and more monsters step out of the forest. 

Me: Damn you... What's going to kill you all?! 

I pull my sword out of the corpse before charging the horde of Grimm. First, I punch an Ursa in the face then slice it in half. Second, I impale a Beowolf then punch another Ursa as if it's a punching bag. My hands grab its head then snap its neck, but then, a pair of claws pierce through my abdomen. I exert a loud pained scream, then I get thrown onto the ground. I attempt to stand, but my body is too weak to perform such action. The beasts approach me then intend to feast on my flesh. Suddenly, they get mowed down by heavy gunfire, then a woman in black armor steps forward and kills the rest of the pack.

 Suddenly, they get mowed down by heavy gunfire, then a woman in black armor steps forward and kills the rest of the pack

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More of her type surround and secure the area; I observe their outfits. The women are dressed as nuns, but more badass... I'm intrigued. Who are these people. Before I can think more, the lady kneels to me and starts tending to my wounds. 

??? #1: Oh dear! Those foul beasts did a number on you! *Examines my wounds* By the Emperor! You poor boy! 

??? #2: Sister Valentina! Get the boy into the ship! We're getting out of here!

Valentina: On it, Sister Trinity! *Picks me up* C'mon! Stay awake, boy! We're going to make it!

My vision begins to blur, and my eyelids are starting to get heavy. The lady tries to keep me awake, but the blood loss is too much for me. My body goes limps, and everything goes black...

--End of Flashback--

(A/N: Well, everyone! I hope you enjoyed this little flashback! Um, this is new to me, so spare me if I get the lore wrong! So yeah... May the Golden Throne look upon you!)

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