Chapter 7

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(Augustus's POV)

The shattered moon illuminates the night sky, and I look at the HUD globe of Remnant while sharpening my short sword. I stare at the globe and tap on each of the continents and landmasses. I read the information of each one such as the habitats, the Grimm types, and human/fauna settlements. Suddenly, I feel a tapping on my shoulder, so I turn to see Sister Valeria, wearing her black tank top. 

Me: Oh, hey... I thought you were asleep.

Valeria (Sign language): I was until Tatiana started snoring like a drunkard.

Me: Hahaha, that's funny.

Valeria (Sign Language): To you, it is... To me, it isn't... *Sighs* Why are you up this late? 

Me: Oh, I'm learning about the different continents, creatures, and settlements. 

Valeria (Sign language): By the Emperor, you're such a nerd.

Me: Sorry, I love reading, okay?

The Sister of Silence rolls her eyes before sitting next to me and resting her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around the woman then pull her close, so she can feel my warmth. 

Me: In reality, I'm thinking about making this planet part of the Imperium. I am tired of the insolence of this pitiful world. I already contacted the Imperial Fists and a small portion of my legion. By tomorrow, we'll have a Custodes Contemptor-Achillus dreadnought.

Valeria (Sign language): Oh? Which one?

Me: Brother Justinian, he's an old friend of mine. I used to do his routine maintenance until better tech priests took the spot.

My companion nods at my quote before caressing my shoulder, then she crawls to my face and places her lips onto mine. I return the gesture while giving her a gentle hug; Valeria parts from the kiss and looks at me with a smile. The redhead puts her hands into a heart gesture and mouths, "I love you~." 

Me: I love you too, Valeria~. *Turns off the HUD then lays down* Now sleep~. We must have energy for tomorrow~.

My lady agrees with my decision, then she lays her head onto my chest before closing her eyes. Soon, I join her and we fall into a calm slumber.

--Timeskip brought to you by a Chibi Augustus changing his fighting styles--

As I watch Saint Celestine teach Emilia, I sharpen the blade of my Guardian Spear then load a new mag into the bolter attachment. Valeria and Tatiana spar in the arena as Valentina takes the role of a referee. CV-916 is upgrading his charging system, so he can recharge faster but also last longer. Suddenly, we hear a loud bang, and the ground trembles as if an earthquake had occurred. We look at each other, then I grab the handle of my sharp before running out of the classroom and making my way to the roof of my floor. I get out to see a Custodes drop pod in the middle of the courtyard. Atlesian mechs and androids approach the pod, then the ramp doors open, and a giant Auramite dreadnought steps out with his massive Dreadspear and spear.

 Atlesian mechs and androids approach the pod, then the ramp doors open, and a giant Auramite dreadnought steps out with his massive Dreadspear and spear

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