.-Saidene Churu-.

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''Have you guys heard, Kurea is now dead, and guess who just became the new Martial arts leader''

''Ryoba, I know. This all adds up now..''

''We best be keeping a close eye on her, she's definitely suspocious''



''Hey, Saidene, I was wondering if I could be allowed to join your club?''

''R-R-Ryo..ba Aishi.. Y-YOU ARE NOT WELCOMED HERE!''

''What? Why not?''

''Y-Your aura.. It is shrouded in evil!''

''Isn't that what you guys are into? Evil stuff''

''G-Get out of my sight!''

''Jeez, okay''

*Looks like I'll have to come up with a new plan, I'll have to go speak with Teira for this one*


''Hey Teira''

''Oh hey, Ryoba!''

''I need help with eliminating Saidene Churu''

''So, your asking me to help you?''


''Hmm, we gotta be quick though, I have a meeting just before lunch''

''Alright, we'll be quick''

''So, isn't Saidene the Occult club leader''

''Yea, but she kicked me out when I asked to join''

''..What a bitch''

''She kept saying she can sense a bad aura from me..?''

''...Wait! I have a plan''

''I'm listening..''

''We should go and report the Occult club to Miss Kunahite!''

''The Occult club is straight up dangerous so that'd be perfect!''

''Great, let's go''


''Miss Kunahite! Ryoba and I have a report!''

''Why hello, Teira, Ryoba. What is it you need? It sounds terrible''

''Y-Yes! We have a report on the occult club, it's dangerous! They keep a knife in their room''

''That is true..''

''A-And Ryoba told me that the members of the Occult club tried to attack her!''

''Oh my.. I'm glad you told me this girls''

''We have to shut the Occult club down.''

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