B.B..3YL Pt.24~like Rapunzel

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{Bettys POV}
A week later

the doorbell rung and Rosie darted to the door and opened it like when I was on the stairs. (R)"Ooh a box" it was the mail man. I walked over and signed for it then got the parcel off him. (B)"Rosie go ask your daddy if he ordered anything" she ran upstairs and came back with him. (J)"ooh its here I got something for you betts" He grabbed his keys and cut the tape with them then opened it taking out a bunch of bubble wrap and paper. (J)"look look its a  rose in this resin thingy idk its like to preserve it but I ordered it so we could you know display it. And it has the date I proposed engraved on  the stand" I smiled and hugged him. (B)"Jug I love it" he kissed me and put his hand onto my waist. (R)"ewie ew stop" Jug pulled away and laughed. (J)"Rosie what are you gonna do at the wedding were gonna have to kiss at that" (R)"ill cover my eyes old man" (J)"im not old" (B)"yeah your old Rosie not us jeez" (J)"so rude" Jug smiled at me. (J)"I was thinking for the rose though we could keep it in the living room since thats like you know where everyone hangs out so itll be fun to talk about" (B)"yeah I can brag about having you then" he smiled but before he could get to what he was gonna say the doorbell rang and Rosie ran for it so we ran after her. The door opened (R)"aunt Vee Vee" (V)"hey muffin wheres your mommy" (B)"im here" (V)"great I cant wait for tonight Jughead Im kidnapping Betty" (J)"you cant do that" Reggie walked in with a bag and gave it to Veronica. (Re)"Hey Rosie I love your shirt" (R)"your nose is still big" Jug laughed and Reggie looked at him. (Re)"did you get that thing yet" (J)"oh yeah you wanna see its in the kitchen we just opened it" (V)"ooh what" (J)"oh Reggie has a cousin who like does resin thingys and they preserved a rose in Resin for me cause I wanted to get it for Betty and the house, mainly Betty" Jug led everyone into the kitchen and started showing it off. Veronica just stared at it and smiled. (V)"Thats so cute, my brothers a simp" (J)"hey it was your Boyfriend who suggested the whole flower thingy he even knew the process" (B)"ah so you're both simps" (Re)"we are not also your child just cut her hair" Me and Jug looked at Rosie and saw her with scissors in her hands. (B)"oh god" (J)"she chopped off a pigtail" (R)"look now I can look half like your hair mommy and half like your hair daddy" (B)"nononono give me the scissors" She gave them to me reluctantly. (B)"Jug were gonna have to cut the other one" (V)"what" (B)"to salvage it" (V)"but girls night we were meant to banish them to go play xbox and take care of your children" (J)"we can go up and play xbox until you decide you need my help" (B)"yeah just get Charlie up from her nap in like ten minutes and like keep her calm" he nodded and they both went upstairs. (B)"Vee you gotta help" I lifted Rosie up and grabbed a hairbrush from the counter. (B)" Rosie you couldve given more length to play around with" (R)"Im gonna be rapunzel" (V)"ok ok we gotta cut the other pigtail off a little longer so we can even it out. Also rapunzel has long hair" (R)"not at the end aunt Vee Vee I started brushing the bit she cut and lowered the hairtie in the second pigtail a little to cut it. I cut it slowly and put the pigtail down. (B)" its so short, can you grab my phone and call my mum" (V)"why?" (B)"she used to cut my hair when I was about Rosies age" (R)"mommy I want hair like rapunzel" (B)"what if we settle for similar just not as short we cant go all the way the same cause then you wont be able to get your little pigtails" (R)"yeah I will"

we called my mum and after like half an hour she showed up with the proper scissors. (A)"Betty ive told you multiple times to hide scissors from kids" (B)"I was focused on the rose" (V)"oh yeah its soo pretty" mum looked at Rosies hair. (R)"I want hair like rapunzel at the end of movie" (A)"Betty I could do that" (B)"but we were gonna keep it long for the wedding and she cut it I kinda just want it neat for now and then in a few months she can cut it. cause the flower crown has to sit on her head" (A)"we could just have it as a cute little styled bob thingy" (B)"I guess but I still want it to look pretty" (R)"Whos Bob I wanna look like rapunzel" Veronica ran up and came back with Jug and Reggie. (J)"Betts she unplugged the tv I was about to win." (B)"Rosies hair is being cut shush, mom keep it long enough I need that crown on her" (J)"your dramatic it'll grow, calm down Betts, its not even being cut short"

{Jugheads POV}

Alice started cutting it and Betty just covered her eyes. (J)"cmon she looks cute already and its not even done" I went over to the living room and grabbed Rosie one of the plastic crowns for after. (J)"keep her wavy bits though" (A)"her what" (J)"the little wavy pieces that frame her face" (B)"yeah dont cut my babies framing pieces too short but keep them like equal to the rest just a small bit longer" (A)"see you being this picky is why you got upgraded to a hairdressers Betty and they charge you" (B)"ill stop ill stop" (R)"nanny you know what I got to do last week" (A)"What Rosie?" (R)"I got to watch Disney movies and eat so much ice cream" (J)"only cause she was upset" Alice took out the hairtie at the top of her hair and started cutting it slowly. (A)"what Flavour did you get Rosie" (R)"a bunch I got to raid daddys stash" Betty smiled (B)"which was hidden so well" (J)"yeah ok well you hide the cookies" (V)"is she still doing that" (B)"Vee its funny" I heard crying upstairs and Ran up to Charlotte. I changed her diaper and tried to get her calmed down and when she didnt calm down I brought her downstairs. (J)"shes hungry" (B)"theres a bottle in the fridge Im watching the hair now" (J)"ok got it" I walked over to the Fridge took out the bottle and started feeding her rocking her slowly. (J)"oh Reggie can you run up to the nursery and grab the small blanket in the crib. he went up and after a minute came back with it so I put it over my shoulder to protect myself from baby slobber. (V)"very manly blanket there" (J)"well Betty has a pink obsession im not gonna get covered in baby slobber cause i dont put a blanket on my shoulder"

After about ten minutes Alice was done and Betty had swept up all Rosies hair. I put the little plastic crown on Rosie and she ran to the mirror and started Jumping up and down giggling (R)"I look like rapunzel" (J)"yeah you do" (A)"You're welcome" (J)"thank you for fixing Rosies mess." (A)"yeah you can pay me by giving me your child" (J)"take the spit blankie first" I gave her the blanket then the baby then the bottle cause she still wasnt done. (B)"aww shes so adorable" (J)"I love it, now Im going back upstairs" (A)"why" (J)"the loser and Betty are having a girls night so me and Reggie are gonna play video games all night and talk about them. (B)"me and Veronica are taking the bed" (J)"what?" (B)"shes pregnant you cant make her sleep on the couch just move the xbox" (J)"Seriously Reggie couldn't wait until marriage now we lose the option to make fun of them" (Re)"oh yeah your one to talk dude you're on two" (A)"I have to go Betty hide your scissors" (J)"Ill do it" I grabbed the scissors from the counter and climbed onto the cabinet to put them on top of the cabinet.

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