B.B...3YL Pt.6 ~ This feeling

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{Jugheads POV}

I woke up with Betty in my arms. She was lying the same way she does all the time but something felt different today. She looked the same and hadn't been in a different sleeping position. I felt happier today I cant describe it but I know something almost as good as yesterday will happen.

Suddenly Betty shot up and threw my arm up off her. She ran to the bathroom and threw up. I got up and walked to our bathroom. (J)"are you alright betts" (B)"yeah I jus-" she threw up again" (J)"I'll run downstairs and grab you a hot watter bottle and a snack, what do you want to eat" (B)"can you just get me some toast" (J)"ok Betts just lie down if you can, but if you need to be in here I can bring in some blankets and we can watch a movie on the laptop" (B)"Ill be fine I might just lie in bed" (J)"ok ill be back in a sec"

I ran downstairs and made a hot water bottle. I made some toast and a glass of water and ran up to her (J)"I got you water cause I know you cant stand not having water if your sick" (B)"thanks Juggie, I probably just caught something" (J)"Betts what if your Pregnant" (B)"Jug we dont wanna get our hopes up remember how upset you were last time" (J)"yeah but maybe if you are this time will go better" I looked at her. (B)"I'll take a test later if you promise not to get too excited"

{Betty's POV}

He was so excited and was smiling like a little kid, I cant let him get this excited again. Last time he was upset for a week. (B)"Jug lie down with me" I ate my toast and held the hot water bottle in my arms. He sat down next to me and kept looking at me and smiling (B)"what did I say about getting your hopes up" (J)"Sorry I cant help it" he wrapped his arms around me and cuddled me. The doorbell rang and jug got up and ran to the door.

He came back in with Rosie. (J)"I bring you the child" (R)"mama" (B)"hi Rosie" she climbed onto the bed and lied down inbetween me and Jug. Rosie looked at me (R)"mamas sleepy" (B)"yeah just a little sleepy" she lied down and looked at Jug (R)"shh dada, mama's twying to sleep" (J)"wha-" (R)"shhhhhh" Jug rolled his eyes and lied down. (B)"shhhh" he looked at us and got up. (J)"imma go watch cartoons" (R)"shhh" I laughed. He started leaving (B)"aww Juggie dont leave were only joking" he looked at us (R)"dada I want a huggie" she did her sad face.

(J)"Aww baby" he walked back in and gave her a little hug. (J)"how about we go play outside and let mama get her rest ok" he picked Rosie up and left and I went on my phone for a few minutes before falling asleep.

I woke up and heard Rosies little giggles. I looked over and she was with Jug and they were drawing. (J)"hey Betts" (B)"hi Juggie" (J)"will you take a test now" (B)"fine" I got up and went to the bathroom. I took the test and waited the two minutes. (B)"dont get your hopes up, dont get your hopes up" I whispered as I waited for them. I looked down at the tests, I took two just incase I had a false one. (B)"OH MY GOD, Oh My God" Jug ran in (J)"what is it" (B)"Im pregnant" He got really excited (J)"Im gonna be a dad... again" (R)"what happened" Rosie ran up to us (B)"your gonna have a little Brother or sister" (R)"bwother" (B)"or sister" (R)"I pick Bwother" (J)"you cant choose Rosie" (R)"yeah I can" (B)"no you cant" (R)"pwove it" (B)"wel-"
(R)"exactly I win" she covered her ears.

I looked at Jug (B)"what do we do" (J)"I dont know I think she learnt that from Veronica" (B)"oh ok umm.. nope I dont have any Ideas" (J)"I say we tickle her" (B)"yep works for me" He picked her up and put her on the bed I started tickling her stomach and she was giggling like crazy. We heard the doorbell ring (B)"Ill get it" (R)"can I help" (B)"ok cmon" I went downstairs with Rosie and the doorbell rang again as I was unlocking the door. I opened it (Z)"your not Rosie"
(R)"Zebwa" (Z)"Rosie-Posie" Jug walked up behind me. (J)"whats your name" (Z)"Zach" (R)"no zebwa" she hugged him (B)"aww its so cute" (J)"I dont like it" (R)"im getting a bwother" (Z)"cool" (J)"so Zach how old are you" (Z)"four" (J)"have you got a Job" (Z)"my mommy lets me help make dinner sometimes"
(B)"Juggie stop interrogating the poor child" (R)"wanna play inside"
(B)"would your mom be ok with that Zach" (Z)"yeah she said I can go over here" I let him in and him and Rosie ran to the living room and Jug looked at me. (J)"I dont like it" (B)"why its cute and she's so happy to have a friend" (J)"but hes a boy and hes older" (B)"by a year, god Jug will you calm down shes gonna talk to boys eventually atleast now she can play with more kids" (J)"I dont think its cute" (B)"thats cause your overprotective its cute" i gave him a little kiss (Z)"ewww yucky" I pulled away (R)"its not yucky mama says its love" (Z)"really" (R)"yeah, my dada gave mama a shiny wing yesterday" Rosie grabbed my hand and showed him the ring. (J)"Zach I agree with you kissing is gross dont try it" (B)"cmon Jug you try more on a daily basis" (R)"what does that mean" (J)"It means I try hug her" (Z)"what does the ring mean" (B)"well it means we are gonna get married" (R)"dada says its a fancy excuse for eating lots of food" (Z)"I like food" (B)"why dont you two go back to playing" (R)"we want cookies" (B)"oh Ill get you some" I went to the kitchen and got them a cookie each from the jar. (B)"dont get crumbs everywhere" (R)"we wont" I handed them the cookies and they ran back to the living room. Jug ran in and hugged me from behind. (J)"do you think we can send them to a different house" he kissed my neck softly (B)"tempting offer but no"

I walked into the living room to watch them. (R)"Zebwa wanna see my tumble" (Z)"Ok" she did a little summersault and hit her knee on something (J)"aww you ok Rosie"
(R)"im ok" she jumped back up (B)"why dont you two watch a movie" (Z)"can we watch minions" (R)"I like minions" they sat up on the couch and I put the movie on for them. Once it started and they were distracted Jug picked me up and ran upstairs with me.

(J)"I wanna cuddle" (B)"ok we can cuddle" we lied down under the blanket. He wrapped his leg around my waist and his arms wrapped around me. I heard footsteps on the stairs and looked back at Jug (B)"I think we've been found" (J)"yeah mayb-" the door opened and Rosie walked in (R)"Zebwa wants to know if you can help open the door cause he has to go home and its locked" (B)"oh Jug can you get it and Juggie walk him home" (J)"I was gonna walk him" Jug got up and went downstairs again.

I heard the door close. I lied down properly and got a text

V:'wanna come over towmorrow for a girls day'
B:'yeah sure what time'
V:'around like 5'
B:'kk ill be there'

I turned my phone off and got up. I went downstairs to the living room. I turned the tv off and cleaned up a bit.
The front door opened and I turned around to see Jug in the doorway (J)"I have an Idea" (B)"what is it now" Rosie ran in (R)"dada took me shopping" she held up a t-shirt that said big sister. (B)"I dont get it" (J)"if we bring Rosie to visit everyone tomorrow in that shirt we dont have to say any acctual words"
(B)"when did you even get the chance to buy the shirt" (J)"well I just ran into a shop and bought it" (B)"fine we can do it but it has to be before five cause im having a girls day with Veronica and Cheryl after that so you cant come with me there" (J)"great"

To be continued..

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