B.B..3YL pt.13 ~ Leaving early

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{Bettys POV}

(V)"its Reggie" Jug laughed (J)"I think somethings up with the phone I could've sworn she said Reggie" (V)"yeah I did" (B)"oh no I'm not gonna let you he's an asshole" (V)"hes changed" I heard Rosie yelling. (B)"Jug can you check on her" (J)"yeah sure" he got up shutting the door after him. (B)"Veronica you're talking about the guy who was a bitch to me all through high school" (V)"Betty that was high school people can change" (B)"yeah people can. Assholes cant" (V)"you said you wouldnt get mad" (B)"im not mad i'm disapointed"
(V)"Betty cmon If he hasnt changed you can say I told you so" (B)"will you give me twenty bucks" (V)"Ill give you thirty" (B)"fine I will allow you to go on one date with him" (V)"you sound like a mom" (B)"good cause I am one" I laughed. (V)"I gotta go now bye" (B)"bye" I hung up.

I went to Jughead and Rosie. (J)"Betts can you feel her forehead quickly maybe my hands are warm" I put my hand on Rosies forehead and her forehead was really hot. (B)"Juggie I think she's sick" (R)"im not sick i'm just sleepy" (J)"we could head home and get her in her own Bed" (B)"yeah maybe but are you sure you wanna leave so soon" (J)"we'll come back up soon just us Betty" (R)"what about me" (J)"you cant be with us all the time Princess we need privacy" (R)"what's that" (B)"we'll explain later why dont we get you into some cosy clothes" (R)"ok" I helped her change into her fluffy pyjamas and Jug got everything back in the car. (B)"can I drive" (J)"yeah sure Ill stay in the back and make sure Rosie feels ok" We went out to the car and Jug and Rosie got in the back. (B)"I need the keys" he handed them to me and I started the car.

3 hours later

(J)"you know you drive too fast"
(B)"no you drive too slow" I grabbed the last bag out of the car and he picked Rosie up (J)"you were not going the speed limit" (B)"I was most of the time. I'm not gonna drive really slow on an empty road" I locked the car and the front door. (J)"Ill get her in bed" (B)"ok" he went upstairs and after a few minutes he came into the kitchen where I was. He kissed me. (J)"im surprised she wasnt fake sleeping" (B)"do you wanna go talk some sense into Veronica with me" (J)"I mean I'm kinda tired plus its one date its not gonna go anywhere, and after she goes we get money."
(B)"what if he has changed" (J)"Betty were talking about the guy who publicly humiliated you from the moment he saw you in a scarf" (B)"yeah theres no chance I just dont want Veronica upset about it" (J)"she'll get over it" (B)"I know but I cant help her get over it with the amount of pain this baby is causing" (J)"if its bad we can go lie down and cuddle" (B)"yes, but what if Rosie wakes up" (J)"She wont Ive never seen her so tired in my life" we went upstairs and lied down. He pulled me close to him and cuddled me. (B)"who do you think Patrick Stars parents are" (J)"why is that the question your asking" he laughed. (B)"I dont know I just thought of it" he laughed and pulled me closer. He rested his head on my shoulder and moved his hand to my stomach. (J)"I like making babies with you" (B)"good cause I feel the same way" he kissed my neck and started leaving a hicky. (J)"Jug im gonna have to cover this now" (J)"or we could stay in bed until its gone that way nobody will see it" (B)"I cant do that how am I gonna tell Veronica That I was right and she was wrong" (J)"text her" (B)"no Ill just cover it, as much as I'd love to we cant cuddle until its gone" (J)"are you sure" (B)"sadly yes but we can cuddle until Rosie wakes up" (J)"great shes fast asleep" he moved his head forward and kissed me (J)"we should probably work on manners with Rosie a little bit" (B)"why its not gonna work" (J)"yeah but sadly she cant be a princess her whole life" (B)"yes she can worked for me" he laughed (J)"you got lucky" I turned around so I was facing him. I moved his hair away from his eyes. He kissed me. And I kissed back he pulled my hair out of its ponytail and ran his fingers through my hair. He moved his hands to my hips and pulled my body closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck. The door opened and I looked at it. Rosie Was standing there crying. (R)"I cant find my build a beaw" Jug looked over at her. (J)"you sure you cant find it" (R)"its not with my teddies"
(B)"we'll help you find it Rosie" I got up and went to her room with her. We looked through her toybox, under her bed and everywhere else it could have been. (B)"Dont worry Rosie Im sure we'll find it" Jug walked in. (J)"Have you not found it yet" (B)"no" (J)"maybe its downstairs" (B)"yeah maybe Jug can you look instead of me I'm not feeling the best" (R)"mama you need to help too" I looked over at her and saw how upset she was (B)"ok Ill help" I got up and we started searching downstairs. I looked under the couch in the living room and saw it. I reached under and grabbed it (B)"I found it" (R)"really" I gave it to her and she hugged me making me almost fall back. (R)"thank you" (B)"your welcome" she got up and ran upstairs playing the little voice recording as she went. I sat on the couch and Jug sat down next to me. (J)"you alright" (B)"Yeah I'm Just a little tired" (J)"why dont you go upstairs and nap and Ill make us something to eat" (B)"I wanna help cook" (J)"but I wanna cook something for you and you need sleep" (B)"I dont need sleep" (J)"yes you do you can take a nap and Ill get Rosie fed and all clean then get her in bed and cook us dinner" (B)"fine but imma be grumpy" (J)"ok have fun being grumpy" he kissed me and I got up and went upstairs.I lied down in the bed and fell asleep fast.

To be continued ...

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