Chapter 5

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Mark finishes bandaging up Tony's shoulder and leans up against the garage door and begins to breath heavily. Mark coughs up blood into his hands before staring back at Tony. He stands up and walks over to his trench coat and puts it on. He stares at Tony who is passed out. Mark aims his gun at Tony and his hands begin to shake.

Mark lowers the gun and kicks the car that Tony is leaning on. Mark aims the gun back at Tony's head but remembers the money and gasoline in the house and immediately lowers the gun back down.

"Why can't I just blow your brains out on the pavement!?" Mark shouts as he swings his gun around like a bat. Tony wakes up and sees Mark losing all sense of control. Tony stumbles up onto his feet and Mark aims the gun back at Tony. "Get back down on the ground!" Tony raises his hands in the air and smiles as he sits down. "Why do you have all that money!?"

"I have it because that is what Phil gave me for killing you and your wife. I was planning on burning it all." Tony calmly says this as Mark takes a deep breath and calms down.

"I doubt that is true. There is only one thing missing from your getaway plan and that is some duffle bags. So tell me the truth and only the truth." Mark looks at Tony and Tony looks back at Mark and gives him the most convincing and kind face you could ever emagine.

"Mark, I was going to burn that money then myself in this very house. I needed to repent for what I have done somehow." Tony says this with so much sincerity.

"If you helped me would you be forgiven for all that you have done?" Mark asks.

"I think I would be a step closer if that makes any sense."

"Then I cannot allow you to help me. You are not going to be forgiven nor going to die to be forgiven. Just point me to the whore house that Saku lives in and I'll deal with the rest." Tony smiles as a tear is forming in his eye.


Mark woke up inside his house and his couch with Tony by his hooking him up to an I.V. Mark looks at Tony and begins to cry. Tony looks at Mark and is saddened at what his best friend and coworker has become.

"Mark, I hate to tell you this but you have lung cancer just like your wife." Tears begin to build up in Tony's eyes as Mark stares at Tony with a dumbstruck face.

"What? What do you mean I have cancer like my wife? That shouldn't be possible? It's not like cancer is contagious!" Mark was frustrated and shouted at Tony.

"Listen Mark, It's hard for me too but I have to tell you the truth. I have to tell you of the evil things that Phil and others have done just to get rid of you and your wife." And the plan unfolded and Mark learned of what they all have done wrong.

After being told what Tony and the others had done Mark's eyes went black and there was no greater fury that day that could have been described as Mark pummeled Tony into a blood mess on the floor. Tony tried to fight back but Mark was faster than he thought and stronger than he could have imagined. There was a flash of strikes from Mark that were unseen as he clobbered Tony into the carpet. Mark's mind came clear as he stood over the beaten and bloodied Tony with his fist covered not in his own blood.

"I am so sorry. But I need to go talk to a special person to get this all cleared up and dealt with" Mark says this with fear in his tone. Then Mark walked out of Tony's house and towards Jacob's car shop.

Without taking any luggage and having only what money he had in his wallet he walked all twenty blocks to Jacob's car shop. Jacob was there sitting by his work bench as he tinkered with a piece of leather that he was fashioning into a belt. Mark walked up to Jacob's front door and knocked four times. Mark was in his lab coat, white t-shirt, and a pair of brown pants while it rained down on him. It was for sure a shock for Jacob to have seen his old friend standing in the rain soaked.

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