Chapter 8

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Mark stands at the side of Detective Stone and yet stares at the white house that is in front of him. This meant every second to Mark. This was the last stop in his life. He held the bullet wound with his left hand as he wheezed. Stone says nothing about it as Mark and him begin to walk towards the house.

Mark's physical state is terrible as his body won't be able to last that much longer. With the bones in his chest broken, the bullet that was buried in his chest was causing internal bleeding, and the cancer in his lungs was now beginning to eat its way through his body. The cancer in his lungs now is spreaded through his body like a web. The spider that is his cancer will kill him by the morning.

The smell of blood reeks off of his trench coat as Stone and he walks towards the house. All of the lights come on and Saku comes running out of the front door with a metal collar with spikes around her neck. She is screaming and Stone is all but worried about the sight. Mark doesn't hesitate and from out of the sleeve of his trench coat a gun springs into the palm of his hand. He fires the gun and Saku bursts out in flames. A click emanates from her collar exploding her flaming appendages all over the green yard, lighting everything ablaze. The night is now bright and the lights in the house began to turn off all except one. The light in the living room was entrapping for Mark as he stared at it, as if he knew that is where all of his problems stop. Stone looks at Mark in astonishment that Mark could do such a thing without even blinking. Stone steadied his gun at the now wide open door of Phil's house. Mark begins to walk towards it without caution unlike Stone who walked behind Mark, with his gun aimed over Mark's shoulder.

As Mark takes the steps up to the front door a large gun could be heard, cocking so loudly that the flames were a snore. This is at least what went through Mark's mind as he begins to worry if he could go through with this plan. Stone rides up just a few feet away from Mark's back and places a hand on his shoulder.

"Come on man. He's just around the corner." Mark looks back to see Stone's serious and convingly calm expression as Stone tells him this.

Mark turns back around and with cold sweat he turns to the right and sees the living room is all lit up and Phil is sitting on a white leather chair with a glass of wine in his hand.

"So you came and you brought my help? Weird but you're a genius." Phil says with a smile and slight chuckle. Mark was confused but that really didn't matter to him right now. He raised his gun and aimed it at Phil's perfect forehead. Stone brought his pistol down into Mark's shoulder, sending pain rushing through Mark's body. Mark manages to let off a shot before collapsing onto the white carpet floor. The bullet flies into the roof and sets it on fire.

Mark lies helpless on the floor as he stares up and sees Stone step over him and walk towards Phil.

"Now where is that miracle drug that can cure cancer?" Stone asks as worry sets over his face. Phil reaches into his pocket,..

"Right here." Phil says as he pulls out a gun and splatters Stone's brains onto the floor,

"NOOOOOO!" Mark screams before he stands up and stares at Phil.

"Oh come on Mark. The man was too stupid to relise that this was all a set up. You too should have known that." In a cocky tone and smug smile Phil states. "And now you can witness the story of the rest of your life before you burn down in the world's most expensive grave." Phil drops the glass of wine on the floor, shattering into a thousand shards. He sits down as the house begins to build with green smoke. Mark took one step towards Phil,.. Mark's right knee cap got blasted out. Mark falls to one knee and clenches his teeth out of pain. "So your wife was the love of my life. I could make her happy and give her all that she and I could have desired. But no, she just had to stick with you. But naturally I thought that all women only give a flying fuck about drugs and money. So when she went to get me coffee and brought a cup with her,.." Phil licks his lips as he begins to walk towards Mark. "I tried to be gentle about how to handle such a beautiful and wise woman. But unfortunately for her she smacked me. So in the matter of love I had to,.. You know,.. Make sure she loves me." His voice turns deep and his face begins to twitch with rage. "That bitch left me a little gift afterwards and I had no choice but to kill her." Phil rips the black sleeve to his business suit to reveal a terrible bite mark. "And of course I knew you would find out and try to sue me in which you with your big brilliant mind would request a body search and win the case..." He throws his head to the side and puckers his lip. "On paper that is how that would have worked out. But unlike the metaphorical in which you win the case, the real life situation that you would be facing is that I bribe the police, the court judge, and even your own lawyer to make sure you lose. Then I would have to send some man to kill you." Phil walks over to Mark and grabs his neck as he places the gun to Mark's forehead.

"Too bad this isn't about money." Phil shakes his head and Mark stares at him like a feral dog.

"Yeah and too bad this isn't the case where you live. Say hello to that whor-" Mark lunges forward and sinks his teeth into Phil's neck. Blood spirits in his face as Phil struggles to point the gun at Mark's head. Mark pulls back with his head and tears a chunk out of Phil's neck. Phil drops the gun and grabs his throat. Blood soaks into the carpet and Mark stumbles up and leans on the wall to stabilize himself. He looked down and with every last second of Phil's life he smiled.

Mark sees the life drain from Phil and a tear escapes his eyes. He slowly stumbles towards Stone as the flames and cancerous gas flow freely throughout the house. He looks at Stone's corpse and cries.

"Sorry. Looks like you weren't mister impenetrable after all. But don't worry. I'll make sure that I am not the only one who has his victory tonight." He stumbles back to Phil's corpse as sirens arrive. The green smoke has entered the house and Mark coughs violently all over Phil's corpse. Mark takes his hand and takes out Phil's phone and with very little ease he transfers money into both Stone's wife and Jacob's account. Both equaling one billion.

The firemen and cops with gas masks run through the front door and retrieve Mark's body. But the last thing that Mark could see was that of his beautiful wife waiting for him the brightest of light.

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