Chapter 7

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It's been a few months since I got my detective badge. It's nothing like I thought it would be. I thought I was going to be the one who was going to be on the field to bust in doors and not only stop the bad guy but come back to the office and say that I was the one who cracked the case. But not because of one incident involving this vigilante of some sort.

As I look through the case files on the previous victim almost everything has been either tampered with or expunged. Crooked police on the job must have tampered with the scene to make it look like just another crazy crook. Even though I can't believe that any mugger would run into the world's richest man's house and assault his wife for money. Even though there were probably ten grand on the floor just within these pictures.

I take a sip of my sweetened coffee before staring back at the picture that was left on the wall. Total blood bath everywhere in that room but on the wall was left a name of some sort. Kancer,.. Because I was not called to investigate the scene I was unable to get there before the cops messed with all of the evidence. All I got was Saku's blood sample proving that she was the one who bled everywhere, a bullet casing that shows me what gun was used, and a fake name showing that a man was there and was acting out in a way of being a vigilante of some sort. But what was found in Saku's blood sample came as a surprise to me. Methamphetamine was found with high doses in her bloodstream. My theory is that the man knew about this and tried to exploit it to enter her house. The man hasn't done a crime before in his life so his hand was shaking and missed his target. She passes out from shock and blood loss and he takes this moment to leave his mark and get out of the house. Phil arrives home and bribes the police officers including me to keep everything under wrapps. And if it wasn't for my daughter's medical bills I might have refused. I feel like a bad cop to use my daughter's medical state to use that as an excuse to receive hush money. But what really gets me pissed is that he played us all fifty grand like it was nothing. And now I have little to no evidence of which I can solve this case!

I lean back in my chair and let out a deep sigh. On my desk I press the call button on my phone machine.

"What would you like about Detective Stone?" Sharry the front desk clerk asks with an irritated tone.

"I need you to bring me the files on the Kancer with a K case. Please?" I try to sound cheerful but I just couldn't manage it.

"Will be right there in a few minutes." I took my finger off of the button and the machine went silent. I lean back in my chair and look back up into the roof.

My phone rings and I spring back up into action. I bring my phone up to my ear as I get up from my desk and begin to put on my black jacket and gun holster.

"Get your stubborn ass down here to the golden tower! A massive murder has just happened and we are now dealing with a terrorist level threat!" I ran out of my office and out into the parking lot before leaping into my cop car.

I blasted the sirens and slammed my foot down on the gas. The sirens blare through the busy streets and hundreds of cars pull over to the side of the streets and make a clear way for me. As I drive at blurring speeds I make out a figure of a man that looks as if he just had been stabbed. It wasn't that far from the golden tower so I slammed on the brakes and swerved to the side of the road. I jump out of my car and run over to the man. He was wearing a black mask and a black trench coat. He grabbed his chest tightly as he groaned in pain. I put my hand on my gun and unclicked the belt of hte holster. He looked up at me and his eyes showed me that he was panicking.

"Hey, get away from me unless you want to die!" He shouts and his voice seems to me to be familiar. But I don't know where I heard that voice before.

"Sir please calm down." I raised my left hand up in the air and looked at him with concern, the only expression on my face. I take my gun slowly out of its holster and place it on the ground. With my foot I kicked it away from me. "Now since I am unarmed can you please inform me what is going on with you?"

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