Chapter 5

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I walked in and searched the library until I recognized the dark haired boy who sat peacefully by the window, flipping pages with his ringed fingers.

I quietly brought myself to the table by the window, and pulled a chair across from him. I sat down and began flipping through my DADA textbook.

"You make a bad habit of being late." he calmly said without even sparing you a glance.

"Don't we have a project to finish?" I replied

"We do, and quite frankly I have other responsibilities, so I would much prefer to get this over with." He stated with a low sigh.

"Likewise." I agreed nodding

We sat at the table for about an hour before I began to slowly lose all my patience for Riddle. I began incessantly tapping my foot in frustration, god he was unbearable. He was so silent, and for some reason his quiet stance irritated me far worse than his nasty attitude. My eyes wandered to other students in the library, it had seemed they all made a habit of sitting as far away as possible from Riddle, and to be honest I did not blame them. Slughorn really fucked me with this one.

I looked over at Tom, his eyes glued to his textbook as his right hand took almost perfect notes, I had never seen such beautiful calligraphy. It seemed he wasn't even looking at the letters, he just sat there carefully scribbling on his parchment as a light wind pushed his dark- nearly obsidian hair around. For just one single second, I let myself admire his aristocratic aura, the way he made everything look so effortless. Dark eyes shot up at me.

"Will you stop that?" He snarled, likely referring to my foot tapping.

"Stop what? This?" I snapped back while increasing the thuds caused by my tapping.

"Do not provoke me." He said with furrowed brows, slowly getting more irritated with me.

"But you're so much more fun that way" I teased while giving him a charming smile to irk him even more.

He gave me a questioning look, as if I was testing him and he was doing the same back. He raised an eyebrow at me and before I knew it my foot was immobilized with a wordless spell, likely the same one I used on Black.

"Hey!" I snapped

He had no reaction as he continued to ignore me and silently jot down notes.

"Have it your way Tommy, two can play at that." I spoke, and within seconds his writing hand was likewise, immobilized.

We stared at one another with resentment, as if our every conversation was somehow a competition for dominance.

"Do that once more and you're dead, Swan." He gritted through his teeth.

"I have a better proposition in mind." I stated

"And that is?" He questioned

"Thomas, tell me. Do you happen to know of the deathly hallows?" I spoke mockingly.

His eyes widened, perhaps he did not expect some homeschooled muggle to know anything about that sort of magic.

"Do not call me that." He avoided the question, clearly not happy with my pet names for him.

"Answer the question." I grilled him back

"What is it that you want with them?" He asked

The thought of defeating Grindelwald brought a smile to my face. "Vengeance, I would like to propose a deal."

"I can assure you, no matter what you propose I will not be making any deals with your sort. I have everything I need, a mudblood certainly cannot offer me anything which I cannot obtain myself." He replied

Desire and the Dark Side Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now