Chapter 6

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I awoke the next morning on the common room couch with little to no memory of last night, how did I get here? I remember being outside, and maybe the yet to be dried hair was an indication that I went for a swim at one point? All I know is that my drinking habits are doing me no good in my mission to find answers

I was startled by the sounds of loud footsteps thudding down the stairs as I met my gaze with Willa's, "Finally you're up!"

"Merlin what a night, i'm surprised your hair dried so fast" I replied

"What do you mean?" Willa stated with curiosity

"The lake, from last night?" I asked, starting to worry a little bit.

"We didn't leave the dormitories as far as I remember, perhaps you just had a dream." She said with reassurance to my worried state.

"Oh... right." I nodded, subtlety running fingers through my damp hair.

"Anyways, I've to tend to personal business love! We'll chat soon." She said as she skipped away

How curious

I began to shuffle off the couch until I was approached by Abraxas.

"Sodding hangover's got you too?" He inquired as he sat beside me on the couch, an arm resting on my leg.

"Clearly" I said with a slight laugh "Hey Brax, do you have any memory of the lake last night?" I asked

"Lake? I definitely have a memory of throwing up at one point, but definitely not a lake." He chuckled.

My mind raced, in a bad way.

If no one came with me, how did I find my way back inside? Perhaps it was instinctual, but I doubt it. My mind fogged as I tried to remember what happened, but in return was only met with more fog the harder I focused. I should get cleaned up.

"I gotta go Brax I-"

"Wait. Ellanora." He stopped me with a light pull to my upper arm

"Yes?" I asked, a curious expression forming on my lips

"If it's not too much of a hassle, I would like to have a word with you tonight." He asked

"Surely. I'll see you."

I scattered across the common room to reach the bathroom when I recognised a pale expression across my face. My skin looked like it shed a tint of light blue, my eyes swollen, and my hair resembled a particularly tangled mess. God I looked like shit.

I splashed warm water over my face and felt myself leaning over the sink as an image of Tom glancing at me through rippled water ran through my conscience. It was him, it had to be.

I reached upwards to clutch my fathers key for emotional support when a blood boiling revelation passed me.

It was not there.

"No" I mumbled quietly to myself

I paced around the bathroom, hands running through my tangled locks.

"No, no, no this can't be happening." I said a little louder as the shock grew even stronger

Shakingly, my hands skimmed over all the folds and pockets of my attire, silently praying it would be found somewhere on me.

But it wasn't.

"Fuck fuck fuck. Okay, breathe Ella. You likely just misplaced it." I mumbled as I sprinted to my dormitory only to violently rummage through all my belongings. I checked everywhere, and just like the answers behind my parent's death, it was found nowhere.

Desire and the Dark Side Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now