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The girl turns around and I see my bully.

"Yeah Mina. Is there a problem with that?" She says pulling her arm away from me and getting closer to me.

"Yes there is actually. You go here?" I say getting closer to her.

"Yeah. I've been going here for this whole year. I saw you a couple of times around school but didn't think you actually go here." She says

"I don't anymore.I only went here for a year." I say to her.

"Why? Were you just not good enough as always?" She says leaning in close to me.

I slap her hard and she grabs her face. She turns back to look at me while holding her cheek. She reaches out to slap me but I catch her hand before she can hit me.

"You may have hurt me before but not anymore. I had enough being the weak one. I won't let you bully me anymore." I say.

"You're going to regret ever touching me." She says.

"No she won't. You touch her or try to be rude to her and you'll regret it." Someone growls behind me.

I turn around and see Jake standing behind me changed into a leather jacket with Jay and Heeseung behind.

"Who are you to defend her? What is she to you?" She says.

"He's my boyfriend." I say to her.

She laughs but I turn around and grab Jake and kiss him on the lips. I didn't want to but I had no other option. Jake pulls me closer and wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him passionately. I pull away a bit and turn to face my bully.

"Are you going to stay there and just stare at us? Leave me alone. I'm no longer the loner you once knew." I say to her.

She looks at me angrily and then walks away from us.

"You guys followed me or what?" I say pulling away from Jake.

"No. You just took forever to change so we were going to walk over here but Jake caught up with us and asked us how he could -"

Jake jumps on Heeseung and covers his mouth.

"Don't mind them. We were just worried for you." Jay said.

I nod and thank him. Jake and Heeseung finally get up off the ground and we all head to lunch. I text Sunghoon and Moon about where we are going and they respond back. Before we leave, Bang PD sends me a text with a choice.

Bang PD: Hello Mina. We were wondering if you wanted to be the bad girl but protective one. You can be the innocent one who is mischievous. Whatever is fine.

Mina: I'll choose the bad girl but protective with a soft inside.

Bang PD: Alright. I will let Moon know as well. She had chosen the innocent one who is mischievous.

I smile knowing Moon had chosen that one. She is always acting innocent but is always messing around with everyone. I put my phone away and catch up to the others. Jake opens the door for me and I reluctantly get in. He gets in after me and tries to put his arm around me but I swat it away.

"I kissed you to get her away from me, not because it meant something to me." I say to him.

He looks at me stunned and I look away from him. I want to date Jake but it just isn't the right time. We ate lunch at a Korean B.B.Q restaurant and after we went to class, all of us sat in the back. Girls gushed over how the boys looked while the guys whistled towards us girls but stopped when Jake or Jay looked at them angrily. When we got back to the company, Moon and I spent the rest of the afternoon practicing. We went home around 2 in the morning and knocked out.

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