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I hear someone calling my name and I wake up coughing up water. Someone pats my back and places something over my shoulder. I turn and see Jake next to me covered in water and panting. I notice that there is some blood coming from his hands.

"Are you ok?" He says

I nod and then start crying.

"It's ok. Don't worry. I'm here. It's ok." He whispers to me as he pulls me in for a hug.

He caresses my head and I finally am able to stop crying. He lets me go and places both hands on my face.

"Why?" He says.

"I don't know. I just couldn't do it anymore. People want to much from me and ask to much of me. I barely ate for this debut. I just couldn't take it anymore." I say to him. 

I brush his hands off and walk over to the lake again. Jake walks over and grabs my arm.

"What are you going to do? HUH?! Leave me alone and go kill yourself." He yells at me.

"I don't know. I just know that no one understands." I yell at him.

"Because you hide your feelings." He says.

I pull my arm from him and walk over to my clothes. I pick them up and Jake grabs my arm hard, making me face him.

"Stop running away and hiding from me." He yells at me.

He pulls me in and kisses me on the lips forcefully. I push him off and slap him.

"I am not hiding from you. Do you know how much I want to be with you? It's you who pushed me away." I say to him.

I leave my things and walk out to the lake. I swim as far as I can and sink down. Jake follows after me and pulls me up to the surface.

"I'm sorry. I made a mistake. I wasn't there when I knew you wanted me to be. I am here now though. I need you now." He says placing his hand on my cheek.

I let some tears fall before pulling away from him and swimming back.

"I know you love me Mina. I do too. I always have and always will." He yells at me from the lake.

I dry myself off on the towel he left behind and put my clothes on. I hear Jake walk out of the lake and he hugs me from behind.

"Please. Please don't leave me. I love you Mina." He says.

I pull him off me and turn to look at him.

"I do to Jake but I don't know if I can believe you." I say to him.

He stares at me for a bit before leaning in and kissing me again but gently. I kiss him back and wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls away to catch his breath and touches his forehead on mine.

"Now do you believe me?" He says.

I smile and nod. He smiles back and hugs me. 

"Let's get you dried up and inside." He says.

We head up into the lake house and I put on my beanie to make it seem like I was just taking a walk. When we get inside, I change clothes first and then head into bed to sleep. Jake falls asleep in the other bed and I smile as I hear him sleeping deeply.

~The next morning~

I was so exhausted from yesterday, that I decided to skip dinner when Jake woke me up for it. I get up and decide to first take a shower. I walk out with my clothes and take a quick shower in the Main House before heading back down changed. When I get back, Jake is awake and putting his shirt on. I yelp and close the door immediately. I fan myself a bit when I hear the door open. 

"I'm done. You can come in." Jake says laughing.

I walk right past him and finish my morning routine before heading out to the Upper House to see what was for breakfast. No one was up except for me and Jake. I made myself an Iced Coffee and then head back outside. 

"Do you want to make something for lunch before the others wake up?" Jake asked.

"Sure. I can make some fried chicken for lunch." I say.

He nods and we head inside. I take out the chicken and start cleaning it while Jake goes outside and sets up the fireplace with the pot for the chicken. I make the mix to dip the chicken in and take the bread crumbs out as well. Jake comes back inside and watches me for a bit before remembering what he was going to ask me.

"Hey, so after we are done making lunch for the others, do you want to go out for a walk?"

"Sure. Where would we go?" 

"We can just go exploring for a bit then come back here for dinner." he says.

I nod and finish preparing the last of the chicken. We head outside and I place a couple of chicken in and let them sit in it for about 10 minutes. When they come out, we hear someone coming up to the house. I turn and see Sunghoon with Moon coming up.

"Hey. What are you guys making?" Moon asks

"We made fried chicken for lunch." Jake says.


"Have you guys made any sauces for the chicken?" Sunghoon asks.

"No. I only prepared the chicken." I said to them.

"Alright. I'll go prepare a sauce." He said.

"I'll help you." Moon said.

They head inside to prepare some sauces and Jake helps me with the chicken. When I finally take out the last one, we head inside and Jake checks on the rice that he was making. When everything is ready, I head down to the Main House and see if the others are awake. I find the rest of the boys at the Main House all playing Ping Pong and catch. 

"Hey, lunch is ready." I say to them.

They nod and head over to the Upper House. I head to the lake house first and look at my phone. The first thing I see is the notification from yesterday and then I remember how Jake was there to rescue me. I think realize that Jake would have never known I was there unless he was following me. I look back up to the Upper House and see Jake standing on the top of the road looking down to the house. I put my phone down and head up to the house to eat.

"Hey Mina. What took you so long?" Moon asks me.

"I was in the restroom I say."

I take a seat and Jake sits next to me. He gives me a concerned look but I ignore him. I serve everyone two chicken legs and we dig in. The food is delicious and Jake doesn't say anything to me. He sometimes passes me some of the sides that they made and opens my soda for me but he mainly talks with the others. When we finish eating, Jake gets up and then looks at me.

"Come on. Let's get going." He says to me.

I nod and take his hand. He smiles and then looks over at Sunghoon and Moon.

"You guys ready to go?" He asks them.

"Yeah." Moon says.

Sunghoon takes Moon's hand and we all head out to one of the cars prepared for us. Jake gets in the driver's seat and I sit next to him in the passenger seat. Sunghoon and Moon get in the backseat.

"Alright. Let's go." Jake says.

We put on some music and I enjoy the ride. We arrive at a mountain that we have to climb up. I don't want to do it at first but we head up anyways. Jake takes my hand and Sunghoon takes Moons hand and we all head up together. Moon and Sunghoon are in front of us but we never separate from each other. When we finally get to a good distance, we take a seat and admire the view.

"The view is amazing." I say to Jake. 

He lets go of my hand and hugs me from behind. 

"I think you'll like the view later as well." He whispers.

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