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Jake stood up and instead of giving a speech, he signaled towards Jungwon and the music started playing again. The song was Rose by D.O, the english version, my favorite song at the moment. He smiled at me as he sang the first part of the song and walked over to me. When it came to the chorus, he took my hand and spun me around. He pulled me in and continued singing while we danced slowly. He sang beautifully to the song and I smiled up at him as he danced with me. When the bridge comes, he pulls away from me and I spin towards him. I land facing forward and we dance slowly again as he wraps one arm around my waist holding my arms in place. When the song finally ends, He lets me go and I turn to face him directly. He walks over to Jay and Jungwon and they hand him something. He turns back around and I see him holding a bouquet of roses and a small box. He walks back over to me and stands in front of me. He looks me straight in the eyes and smiles.

"Everytime I look at you, I am amazed by how beautiful you look. When we first met, you bumped into me and all 7 of us managed to get the people from in front of the dorms out of the way for you to go outside."

I laugh remembering that day.

"After that day, we managed to meet up more times and even became very good friends. We have been through so much and have done so much. You almost died on the rooftop all those months ago and yesterday, I almost lost you forever."

I wipe away the tears in my eyes while the others look at me confused.

"I realized from the first time I almost lost you and yesterday as well that I don't want to lose you again. I had the chance for us to date a while back but we never did. That made you get mad at me and ignore me. You became a bad girl but even then, you still ignored me. When you kissed me in front of your bully, I didn't want it to end. I don't want to live my life and not be able to wake up with you in my arms or not be able to hear your voice over a phone call. I want to be with you."

Jake reaches out and wipes my eyes as I cry harder. I smile at him as he starts to tear up.

"We may be a little young and may not love each other tomorrow but with you, I've learned that tomorrow is not promised. I may not be the best boyfriend but I will sure as damn try hard to love you and not see you hurt because of me. I made that mistake before and that is something I regret. I want to love you Mina with all my heart every single day." He hands me the bouquet and I take it.

Heeseung walks over and covers my eyes again.

"My world has become so cold and dark since you've ignored me. Recently you've been talking to me and even kissed me. We may be 19 but I would rather die with you than have you leave me or die without me." I hear Jake say.

I haven't moved and I feel someone take the mask off. I look up to see Jake in front of me wearing a beige suit with a blue button up shirt underneath and a white shirt under that shirt. He changed completely and looks even more handsome.

"This may seem very rushed or straightforward but I already got approval from your brother and your family as well as Band PD-nim. Everyone here also approves." He says as he walks over to me.

"I can't afford to lose you or wake up one day and find out that you are gone forever because I wasn't with you so I want to do this early." He kneels down on one knee and I can't believe the words he says next.

"Jeon Mina, will you make me the happiest idol in the world and marry me?"

I look at the others who are looking at me expectantly and my eyes land on Sunghoon. He smiles with his arm around Moon and nods happily towards me. I look back at Jake and smile. One word leaves my mouth.


Everyone cheers and Jake puts the ring on me. He stands up and kisses me. Fireworks start going off but I ignore them and instead focus on my fiance. We pull apart and smile at each other before looking up at the sky. I hear a lot more cheering and I see BTS, TXT, and Seventeen all gathered around the heart.

"When did they get here?" I ask Jake.

"They were watching from behind you and from where all the camera's were. I knew you didn't want me to ask you in front of just us so we made this a family gathering but also the fans will get to see it." Jake says.

I look around and see that most of the cameras have no cameraman. I laugh and smile at him. We turn back to the last of the fireworks and I place my head on Jake's shoulder and he wraps his arm around my waist. When the fireworks end, everyone comes over to congratulate us. I thank them all and finally only my brother, Moon, Sunghoon, and the TXT members are left.

"We need to talk." Jungkook says.

I nod and we walk off to the side a little to talk.

"Yesterday?" Soobin asks.

"Long story short, I always felt alone. I felt that no one understood me and that I wouldn't be able to live the life everyone wanted me to live because of how I felt about myself. I know I am good at what I do but I just didn't care about living anymore. I had set yesterday as the day I would end everything. And-"

"And she wouldn't have been here if I hadn't seen the notification when she took her phone out. I knew she was going to try something so I left her in the room but never left. I had my cameraman follow us so the fans could see just how much Mina was suffering from their pressure. When I heard her leave the room, I waited a bit before trying to find her. I almost didn't find her because my cameraman had to set his camera up. When I heard the splash in the lake, I immediately swam over to Mina and pulled her out." Jake says walking over.

"You saved her?" Jungkook asks.

"Why wouldn't I? I knew what she was going through because of the way she practiced so hard and pushed herself too much. When I pulled her out, I managed to get her out again when she went back into the lake. I convinced her to stay with me and I knew that today had to be the day to ask her out. I just couldn't date her because I knew I could still lose her and I knew that asking her out was not enough. I had to ask her to marry me so we could always be by each other's side." Jake said.

He faced me and we smiled at each other.

"Thank you Jake. You have been there for Mina since the first time you've met her and I appreciate it. Mina, I hope that during this marriage, you are much happier than you have ever been." Jungkook says.

He walks over and hugs me. Everyone else hugged me as well and gave us congratulations. After a while, everyone starts leaving and leaves only and Enhypen behind with both us girls. We all head inside and sit around on the couch. Sunghoon sits with Moon next to him and he places his arm around her. I take a seat on the couch and Jake lays down with his head on my lap. I smile down at him and pat his head. He smiles up at me and we all hang out for a bit and talk before heading to sleep. When Jake and I are in the Lake House, we change first before heading for bed.

"Let's sleep together." Jake says.


"Let's sleep together. We are going to have to."

"But that's later."

I get in my bed and I hear Jake get into his bed. I regret saying no, so I get up and look over at Jake.

"I'm cold. Come lay with me." I say to him

He smiles and lays down next to me. I rest my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around me. He leans down and whispers to me.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

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