Chapter Ten: Marie's Journal

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<I feel bad I haven't written in a long time. Sorry, School. And I just got a new cover thanks to jaz4life. She's awesome >

Who was that creepy man anyways. Whatever guess that's not important now that I got Claire out of the cage.

"You better be coming up those stairs, and not leaving."

"Do you ever not listen in on peoples' thoughts?" I asked the man.

"I said I will explain everything when you get up here. Here, the stairs are coming out of the wall now"

"Claire, honey are you all right."

"Yes. I can breathe now. Never going in caves again."

"Fine by me." I will protect Claire with my life if I have to.

"Do we have to go up there, Marie?"

"I don't think we have much of a choice.  Come on, Claire."

So we went up the stairs, after dragging Claire that is. And we found a part of the cave that seemed different that the rest.

"Oh there you two are, come sit."

"Why are you being so creepy?" I spat in his face. Ok not his face I didn't even know where he was.

"Oh Marie. You are the fierce one here I can tell. However, you are very caring. That is how you revealed your powers."

"That's enough, what is this about powers?" Claire got angry and yelled into the air.

"Keep walking foword then sit in the chairs."

"Ok you, creepy man, really need to stop telling us what to do." I angrily mumbled at him.

"Look I might seem creepy but I promise you'll understand soon."

"How can I understand anything when you read our minds and talk nonsense."  I don't even know why I'm soo irrated with him, maybe cause of the cage.

"Here, please sit down. I'll explain, I promise."

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2016 ⏰

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