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Angel was in the bed glaring at Prims pictures on Instagram.
"Ugh why did that basic bitch have to take my job, it's not fair he fired me, I was a good-
Justice fired Angel because she was embezzling.Yeah her crazy ass was stealing money from the job, and she went to jail for 4 years, and now she's out.Even tho she was embezzling, she was actually still a pretty good assistant; so Justice was really in shock when he found out she did that.But it's so strange that she would even do something like that because she admired Justice a lot ...but not in a romantic way , she just admired his leadership and his power, and how he gets people in check.She liked that shit, she has always dreamed of running her own business and being her own boss.

Her henpeck boyfriend Qt walks in the room.Angel be abusing the fuck outta him.
"I brought you a chicken sandwich from Wendy's like you asked"
"You better had or your ass was gonna be mines"
Angel be dominating his ass in the bed room and making him her lil bitch.
"Sit yo ass down T"
He sits down and cuts on the tv.She was busy chowing down on the chicken sandwich.
"I ain't had a good ass meal like this since jail"
"Oh yeah I know"
"Rub my feet while I eat this chicken sandwich"
He quickly rubs her feet.
"Mmmm that shit feels nice"
Domonique had cooked a nice dinner for everybody.She cooked some oxtails, steak, rice, candy yams, green beans and corn bread.
"Dang everything look and smell real good in this bitch" Justice said
"Thanks baby, you know I be throwing down"
"And that's why I adore you"
She grins.
(Ding dong)
"I'll get it" She says
Sophie and DJ was at the door.
"Heyyyyy" Domonique said
"Heyyyyyy Domo" ! Sophie said
"Suppppp fam" Dj said
"Yoooo Sup my man" Justice said

Prince was busy beating Princess ass before they headed to the party,because he thought she was flirting with the cashier at Walmart.
"I wasn't flirting wit that man Prince" !
He slaps her across her face "YES U WAS , I saw it with my eyes, clear as day"!!!
"Your delusional" !
He grabs and throws her up against the wall.
"AHHHHH" !! She screams
She weeps.
"I wasn't flirting with him, if anything he was flirting with me" !!
She was crying like a baby.He was huffing and puffing as he glared at her.

Stephan and Prim was at the door.Justice opens the door this time.
"Hi Prim, hey Stephan"
"Hi Mr Williams, thanks so much for having us"
"Of course"
Stephan ain't say too much, he just gave a quick dap.
Prim kept glancing at Justice on the sly.He was giving her smirks back.Stephan and Domonique was clueless.
"Heyy Domonique" Prim said
"Hi Prim"
"The food looks delicious babe" She said
" everybody get comfortable while we wait for Princess and Prince to come" Domonique said
"Where are they"? Sophie asked
"I guess their running late" Domonique said

"Get off the floor, we got this dinner party to attend"
"We're already late, why rush"
"Get ya ass off that floor and come on" ! Prince snaps
"Okay okay I'm coming"
She quickly fixes her hair and applies some makeup on her cuts and bruises.She glares at her self in the mirror, while she held back the aching tears. Prince walks in the bathroom, and grips her waist from the back and kisses her neck.
"I'm sorry" he says softly
She glares at him threw the mirror.
"I just be getting so angry at you sometimes girl, because I love your ass so much you know"
"I know Prince"
"I just can't stand the thought of you with another man"
She doesn't reply.
He kisses her neck harder.
"Can we go now" ? She asked
"Mhm" he says softly as he gives her one more big kiss on the neck
TO BE CONTINUED❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

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