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Princess,Sophie and Domonique was stepping out their Golden limo and walking threw the club like some bad bitches, they was being escorted to tue VIP sections.
"Yasssss this is the life" ! Princess said
"Periodddddd; we some baddies" Sophie said
"Okkkkk bitchhhhhh" Domonique said
"Lòok what I got" Sophie said
She pulls out a bag of cocaine.
"Where did you get that" ?! Princess asked
"DJ know a guy" Sophie said
"Oh we finna be lit tonight" ! Domonique said
"Lets go in the bathroom and sniff this"

The girls was giggling while they snorted the coke.They was sniffing and rubbing their noses.
"Wow this is strong, I ain't never did coke" Princess said
"Dis dat crazy sugar bitch" ! Sophie said
Princess and Domonique laughs.
"Btw I thought you was wearing your new dress" Sophie said
"Oh girl I changed my mind, I wasn't feeling it anymore"
"Or Prince wasn't feeling it" ? Sophie said
"No. I wasn't feeling it , but fuck it, can we have fun" ?!
"Yeah don't worry about it Soph, let's go crazy tonight , this is girls night , no talking about our men" ! Domonique said
"Rightttttt, Let's get lit bitches" !!! Princess said
Everybody clapped and cheered, and they strutted outside the bathroom.

The girls was twerking and acting all wild in this bitch,they was feeling those drugs n shit, everything was practically moving in slow motion.They was feeling real good , like they could take over the MF world.They was swinging their hair and doing the most in the crowd. Princess had the biggest smile on her face.She felt like she had no worries in the world , like in that very moment, she felt like all her problems had disappeared.
Justice was texting Prim.
"Hey baby come over , my girl at the club tonight wit ha friends"'
"On my way Mr Williams" 😏😏
Justice was so excited , he loved hooking up with Prim, he was low key falling for the li whore.

Prim arrived, she was wearing a black mini dress , with no underwear.
"Danm, come here girl"
Justice pulls her inside the house, and they immediately started kissing.He dropped his robe so fast , then he picks her up and pins her to the wall.She gasped with pleasure as he filled her up.He started to thrust his dick in and out of her body.
"You sure she won't be home soon" ?
"Hell no baby"

"YASSSS"!!!! Domonique screams
"PERIODDDDD" !!!! Princess screams
"WE LITTTT" Sophie screams
While the girls were having themselves a good time , Angel and Qt walks in.
"Ugh look who's here" Domonique said
"Miss Embezzlement and Mr Hen peck" Princess said
They laughed.She spots their eyes.
"Oh lòokie lookie the 3 musketeers" she said
"Hey thief" Domonique said
Angel frowns
"I ain't no thief"
"Ugh that's exactly what you are"
"T go grab me a drink"
"Alright baby"
He walks away.
"You sho he ruling that man" Domonique said
"Woman needs to dominate and have the upper hand on these men, then maybe they will learn to act right"
"Your slaving him, that's not good" Sophie said
"How about YALL tend to your own relationship, and leave mines alone, ty very much"
"Ugh,just go away you thief" Princess said
"Ugh I am not a thief" Angel snaps
"You embezzled money from my man job, yes you are" Domonique said
"Well I didn't do it , I was framed"
"What the hell are you talking about" ?
"Someone made it look like I took the money, but I didn't"
"Are you trying to say you went to jail for nothing" ? Princess asked
"Ugh don't believe her, she's a pathological liar too" Domonique said
"I ain't lying, and I think I know exactly who did it"
"Who" ?
"Prim" !
"Why Prim"?? Domonique asked
"Because the bitch hates me, and she has always wanted my position"
"Are you really telling the truth" ? Sophie asked
"Yes! I know I'm not the nicest person but I didn't steal the money , that bitch framed me, and I ain't tryna start nothing, but I think the bitch has been checking ya man out Domonique"
"Wait what"?! Domonique gasps
"I would watch him If was you"
Princess and Sophie glances at Domonique.
"He has been acting kind of strange lately"
Angel laughs "that nigga is cheating on you with his assistant" !
"Ugh no that's not true, Justice would never, he loves me" !
"Well it's only a theory, and men can be dogs...but that's why mines on a leash, I gotta keep his lil ass tamed"
Qt walks up "here baby"
She snatches the drink and takes a sip.

"I think I wanna go home, that shit done spoiled everything"
Domonique and the girls walks away.
"Aw ok , but Ugh I really hope Angel isn't right" Princess said
"Yeah like what if Prim framed her" ? Sophie said
"Well that would means that bitch is really the criminal , she needs to go down for that" Princess said
"Ugh never mind that , I'm thinking about my man"
"I hear that boo" Princess said
"Yeah it's almost 10, it's time for us to go anyways" Princess said
"Prince got you on a curfew or something"??
"Ugh why you gotta blame everything on Prince? Hes a great guy you know"
"I'm sorry"
"Can we go now" ? Domonique asked
Princess and Sophie nods.

The limo dropped Sophie off first , then Princess and lastly Domonique.She walks upstairs.
"Hide under the bed , she coming"
Prim quickly slides under the bed.Justice cuts on the tv and rails back on the bed like nothing was happening.Domonique opens the bed room door.
"Hey baby your back early ? I missed you"
"Yeah I missed you too , but I'm just really fucked up right now"
"Aw baby, you might need to take a warm shower or something"
"Yeah but first I need to talk to you about something"
Justice glares at her.
TO BE CONTINUED❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

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