31. Third Go! (3)

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"Ally—!! Ally—!! Don't dieeee—!!!"

Hearing the voice of her cute master, Ally quickly woke up. The appearance of Stila, whose beautiful violet eyes were soaked with tears, appeared before her.

"Lady Stila... Ally is fine... I just woke up after taking a nap... I am sorry that I wasn't by your side..."

Ally slowly stood up and hugged the crying Stila.

Losing her mother, Lady Kelly, Stila was traumatized. Ally looked around, slapping her weak self whom dare made Stila sad.

Staring at her with relieved faces were the four muscle devas, Abel in form of black dots, Takkun—however, the figure of Maximilian which shocked Ally a while ago couldn't be seen.

"Umm, where's His Highness?"

It sent chills down her spine when she assumed that after gaining that second form, the dude had exploded.

For Ally, Maximilian had undergone three transformations instead of two. That pathetic form he had in her previous lives, that Overlord Muscle one, and then that third one... It was truly unimaginable what would happen.

"Um... that's, he was summoned to the royal palace. The Queen is holding a tea party today to pick a partner for him on this very day. Somehow, after seeing the new figure of His Highness, the Queen started dancing like a madwoman..."

Stephen revealed in a bitter tone. After only a few minutes of having fainted, such a ridiculous development happened.

"It seems that my Brother isn't able to conjure up his fighting spirit in that form... that's how he easily got taken by the people of the royal palace..."

Ally's eyes widened at Stila's words. Her eyes felt so dry, it was as if they were ready to fall off.

Martin, the musclehead, shook his head.

"It's not that he wanted to fight them... he went to the royal palace out of his own accord, because His Highness also thought that it was unpleasant to keep refusing the calls from Her Highness the Queen."

"Exactly, it is as you said..."

The genius Chris nodded and resumed the explanation.

"His Highness and us have just realized that our appearances are staggering and frightful to others. To revert back to our pathetic figures is out of the question, but I am beginning to think that our appearances are also interfering with public affairs. The spirits might have seen through that dilemma and granted us that candy..."

"Certainly... I don't feel any malicious intent from this candy..."

With a thoughtful gaze, Geoffrey, the representative, stared at the palm of his right hand. There laid the same candy that Maximilian had eaten.

"I feel like a grandchild who asked his grandparents for a toy to roll on the floor, but received a large four-wheeled carriage, instead. From the spirits we've summoned, I only feel their genuine desire of wanting to help... this is probably the transformation we need."

Geoffrey then swallowed the candy he had obtained from the grandma (or perhaps grandpa) spirit.

When she thought she could hear the sound of crunching using back teeth, a mist surrounded Geoffrey's body. After a couple of seconds, the fog disappeared and a beautiful, broad-shouldered man with long, brawny, legs appeared.

For a moment, Ally thought that the glasses of his former self would also be resurrected back with him, but that didn't happen. As expected, it seemed that the grandma and her cute grandchild had poor eyesight.

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