40. Fourth Go! (2)

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As they headed towards the mountains, the Muscle Special Squadron summoned an apostle of darkness.

By the way, the first sentence of one of the Four (Five) Dark Lords who got summoned for the first time was—

"—Woh, scary."

It seemed that the overwhelming muscle mass of the Muscle Special Squadron was also out of the realm of the apostles of darkness' aesthetical sense.

What finally caused the five dark lords to relent and help the Muscle Special Squadron was the greatly moving words of Abel—"—Otherwise there will be a deduction in salary."

In the demon world, there seems to also exists hardships similar to those of the human world...

The four muscle devas carried their respective fiancées through teleport. As for Ally and Stila, of course, they were carried by Maximilian's teleport team (by that one apostle of darkness called Ibel). In a blink, they were out in the mountains.

It seemed they had made careful preparations in advance. Leisure rugs were laid on the ground and lanterns were hung on the surrounding trees. Maximilian waved his hand towards the firewood that had been assembled for the campfire.

"The Spirit of Fire; o Brave and Beautiful Aged Lady—I want you to light a fire over there!"

To his beckoning, which also seemed like he was effortfully trying to look cool, the fire of the legendary spirit came out.

Coming from such an elderly lady, the fire had high firepower. A pillar of fire rose, as if about to explode.

The dead branches began to burn vigorously, and the sparks flew high towards the sky. The air behind the West Wing heated up at once. Cheerful cheers came from the four muscle devas and their fiancées.

At the peak of the event, there was a waltz. It resulted in the deepening of their friendship.

Ally, Stila, and all her former best friends were all dressed up. To be clear, it was such a strange scene. However, even if their garments got dirty, there was no worry because they could easily be cleaned with water magic.

"Ally, you're truly wonderful. Your body is both lean and firm, just like a sharpened blade. It's more beautiful than the stars of the night sky."

With flushed cheeks, Maximilian presented to her—ten pieces of skewered meat roasted over the campfire—just like offering a bouquet.

His compliments are so corny and not to mention, outdated—also, I can't eat that much...

It wasn't like she could expect sophisticated manners, poems, songs, flowers, etc. from Maximilian anymore. Those were the things the former Maximilian had dedicated to her in her previous nine lives.

As of the present, it seemed that Maximilian had cut off all those sweet things from his life in exchange for that excessive muscle mass...

"Thank you very much. Alright, I will enjoy one with Lady Stila. Lady Stila, it's still hot, so please cool it off first."

"Yeees! Thank you for the food!"

Stila's eyes gleamed as she bit on the meat.

Ally opened her mouth to blow on her hot food as well—even if she was currently a baroness, and a poor one, at that—this kind of food is still too wild!


"I, I see! A few days ago, I caught a wild boar with everyone. It has been properly bled out, and with the cooperation of the Water Spirits, I washed it carefully with salt water—therefore, there should be no odor!"

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