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So recently my insomnia has been really bad and my sleeping meds have stoped working. At this point I think it's been over seven weeks now and I'm exhausted. I literally wrote tis paragraph at 3:00am a few days ago and it's unedited. I honestly struggle a lot with my mental health so I often find myself writing dumb things whenever I feel upset or stressed and this was just one of those times. But anyway I hope you enjoy.

I lay wide awake, waiting. My sense of time seems to adjust and it feels as though I have been here for years when in reality it has probably only been seconds. The world is dark and quiet. No one else seems to be awake except me, like always. At first I used to do things like walk around or read but now I just lye here, bored. For weeks now I have felt exhausted, for weeks sleep has evaded me. It feels as though I am only half alive at this point. Functioning but not really living. When will it come and take me. When will I finally fall unconscious only to awake hours later. When will this aching in my body cease and my eyes finally close. I wait, but still nothing comes. My brain races and as much as I will it to stop, it never does.

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