Mission, Life On Ceres

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So last year in science I had to figure out a way to survive on a planet in the future and I chose to write a story about it. This story is about the main character surviving on the dwarf planet Ceres. I decided to write it like a journal because I thought it would be cool but I now think that it's pretty cringe. I actually finished this three lessons earlier than I was supposed to and it actually received a high distinction. So I thought I would share it.

Entry 1

Today I awoke from my five year coma. It was slow and my body felt sore after not being used for so long. It's hard to think that only fifty years ago this journey would have taken five times as long and I wouldn't of been able to spend that time in a cryogenic coma like I can now. My body would of been to old to venture into Ceres by the time I got there. But now, in only a day, I will be the first person to walk on the dwarf planet, Ceres.

After five years in a cryogenic coma it's interesting to see the difference in my surroundings. Whilst it feels like it was only yesterday when I first boarded the ship, everything looks aged and is slowly falling apart. Outside my window is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. There are billions stars everywhere but they still do almost nothing to light the darkness that is just outside.

That's all for today

Ava Blake

Entry 2

When I woke up today there were loud bangs everywhere. The gravitational pull of Ceres was pulling me and my space craft in. I raced to get the extra protective gear for when I would land and started the landing precautions. The entire ship was making noise and Ceres was getting closer by the second. Finally I landed on Ceres. My mission is to find out if Ceres could be a liveable place since the Mars mission failed.

First thing I had to deal with was the freezing temperatures and so I had to set up the dome. The dome is a see through tent with nano heaters so I won't freeze. Next one on the list was to move the food storage to the containment box. All the food could last someone at least a year and it never goes off but it still needs to be kept cold to be edible. It's kind of depressing to know that all I'll be eating for at least the next year is gonna be liquid vitamins. The food looks like slop and smells like barf but, it's that or nothing.

By the time I was finally finished I had been on the planet for about two hours and it was starting to get darker.In Ceres we only have nine hours a day which means I only have about four and a half hours of daylight. Tomorrow I'll have to set up the lights so I can work into the night. At least the dome also has inbuilt lights. It's getting late I should go to sleep now; I'm exhausted.


Ava Blake

Entry 3

Today my alarm woke me up. It is so strange to woken up to a short zap from your watch. The watch doesn't even look like a normal watch. It was specially designed  for Ceres, it only has nine hours and it's also an old kind with a few differences because the earth signals wouldn't reach it. Anyway, I woke up at hour one (the first hour of sun) and I was extremely thirsty. Sadly unlike the food I could not bring Earth water along with me because it would freeze. But lucky for me Ceres has plenty of water, the only problem is that I have to mine it and it won't be exactly clean.

About an hour later, I had set up my water vacuum. The water vacuum just sucks up the water and then purifies it allowing me to safely drink from the plentiful supply. My next task was to mine a hole large enough for the straw of the water vacuum.

Finally around hour 2:30 the straw of the water vacuum was sucking in water from the small hole that I had dug and it was starting to purify it. Only about another thirty minutes and I would be the first person to ever drink water from Ceres. Say goodbye to fresh spring water, hello Ceres water.

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