Chapter 21

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Baileigh pov

This is so new to me! Knox asked me out like full on asked me to be his girlfriend and then had to tell everyone on the first day! Now he is staying here and I told him he could stay in the master bedroom with me and I'm so confused like is this to fast? I mean I've known him my whole life now we are getting ready to go pick out a bed and I'm nervous!

"You ready Bails" Knox asks walking back into the kitchen as I put the last of the cookies in a container

"Yea let me just put this container up" I say as I go to the pantry but am stopped as he wraps his arms around me and I turn my head to look up at him and stare into his light green eyes

"You can just bring those with us!" He says and I laugh at him now way in hell would that ever be allowed with my grams

"No we can't it'll ruin lunch and diner" I say back to him

"They can be lunch" he says with that smile that makes my heart skip a best

"Knox we can not have chocolate chip cookies for lunch! Grandma would kill both of us" I say to him being serious while I slip from his grasp and put them up

"But they are really good and I mean chocolate is healthy for you" he says as my stomach tightnes and I full on laugh

"Knox milk chocolate is not healthy for you at all" I say between giggles

"It's got milk in it close enough" he says and I grab his arm pulling him towards the door

"We can either eat when we get back or stop in town and get something either way we will have a proper lunch" i tell him

"Yes Mam" he mocks slutes me and I punch him in the arm causing him to laugh as he opens the passenger side of the truck and motioned me to get in

"Um this is my truck" I say to him getting ready to walk around to the driver side that is until he grabs my arm stopping me

"I'm driving" he says and when I shake my head no he pins me up against the truck

"I can convince you otherwise" he says to me and heat rate speeds up and hands become sweaty

"I'd like to see you try" I taunt back okay I may be playing with a wild stallion here but I think it'll be worth the risk I think

"Oh really now" he whispers in my ear sending chills down my spine! But I still stand my ground

"Yes" I say back surprised it came out normal because I feel anything but normal right now

"You sure you want to play this game" he says kissing my neck and collar bone holy hell my body is heating up

"I always aim to win" I say taking my hands and sliding them up his torso and onto his chest I can feel his muscles twitching under my touch good to know I have the same effect on him now to see who can hold out the longest

"Do you now" he taunts stepping closer to me and his scent envades my senses and all I can think about is how amazing he smells

"Yupp" I breathlessly say to
Him as I stand on my tippy toes and wrap my arms around his neck

"Hmmm we will see about that" he taunts as he kisses my neck and my body reacts instantly why betray me body we are supposed to be stronger than this

"Oh will we" I sweetly say doing the same to him as he is to me but I let my hands go from his neck to roam his body and can't help the smile that forms on my face knowing I'm the one doing this to him!

I feel his hands glide down my body and my skin feels alive I look into his eyes he is showing every emotion right now, the most prominent is lust he leans down and captures my mouth with his the kiss is slow and calculating and my mind is becoming a fuzzy mess! I feel my knees begin to buckle and catch some composure when he chuckles at me not smart Knox I think to myself but then again there is no way I can win this is there? I break the kiss as I feel his hands wrap around me going towards my back pocket where the keys are and laugh!

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