Chapter 27 End🩷

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When we make it to the house Knox puts me down and I wobble a little making him wink at me as we head into the house. Instantly I'm bombarded with my grandma and mother fussing over me making me sit down like I can't help and do things on my own. Once everyone is at the table to eat my brother stands up and I'm a tad confused until it clicks he is bout to tell the family about Noah who looks like she would rather run away. I give her a small smile letting her know that no matter what I got her.

"So um I have news" Kyle says nervously

"If you're about to tell us your dating Noah son we already know" my gramps huffs out

"Well that's part of it but not all um Noah is pregnant and it's our baby" he rushes out I look around the table and watch my moms face go from shocked to happy same with everyone besides my grandpa

"You knocked a girl up before marriage" my gramps voice booms

"It doesn't matter weather we are married or not I care about her" Kyle defends

"You know the rules of this family" my gramps shouts causing Knox to slam his fist down on the table deveeting the attention on to him

"That's Enough the last thing Noah needs is stress, also if my memory serves me correct you had a shotgun wedding because you had a child out of wedlock! Your no greater than your grandson and just like you he is stepping up to take care of it so either you support them or stay the hell away" Knox growls out causing my grandpa to get up and square off with Knox

"Who do you think you are coming into my house speaking to me like that" he shouts back at Knox but Knox holds still not even phased by my gramps at all while all of us sit shocked

"I've known this family my whole life, I've seen things I don't agree with and I usually kept my mouth shut or in your words just did shit behind your back like teaching Baileigh how to be a farm hand and the ins and out of running a ranch something you refused to do! But I'm done watching you walk over your family like your better than them when your not" he growls out i see my gramps glface turn red and I need to get Knox out before a fight happens and knowing these two it will be soon if they keep going at it

"Knox let's go" I say to him placing my hand on his arm causing him to look at me he looks in my eyes and I can see the rage but they soften once they stay on me he nods his heads picks me up and walks out the door without saying anything

"I can walk" I say to him even though I'm cuddling into him

"I don't care" is all he says as his grip tightens on me and we make back to the the house

Once inside Knox goes to the family room and sits me down and starts to pace his fist clenched

"I almost hit him Baileigh" he says stoping to look at me

"I know, I think he was on the verge of hitting you as well" I say truthfully

"Wish he had" he says and I shake my head

"No you don't deep down you know you don't want to hurt him, yes my gramps is stuck in the past but we aren't my brothers aren't soon they will have that farm and my gramps will have to step down and then things will be smooth but until then we have this place to get ready and fixed up and we can run it how we see fit he has no say so in any of this! It's just us" I tell him getting up and walking to him making him look down at me

"Just us" he says as he bends down "I like the sound of that" he whispers as he kisses me

Unfortunately for us the moment is ruined by my brother who apparently forgot what it means to knock on a door

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