Joel Hokka - Writing process

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Y/N: Your NameY/N/N: Your nick name

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Y/N: Your Name
Y/N/N: Your nick name

(This image is based of of nothing. The "song Joonas had an idea about" is completely fictonial. This story takes place before Eurovision somewhat around October 2020.

Imagine being Joel's partner. You and him are at the studio writing music and enjoying some time alone.
You and Joel walk into the studio with the intention of getting work done. The recording of the next album is coming up soon and the guys still haven't finished writing all the songs so you offered some help.

"So how far along are you with the song uptil now?" you ask Joel while stepping into the elevator to get to the right floor. "I don't know. Not that far, I wouldn't even consider it a demo yet." Joel laughs while looking at your shocked expression.

You hit Joel's shoulder multiple times while saying "God, are you being serious? You do know that they expect AT LEAST a demo by Monday, right? Joel, that are less than 5 days."

"I know, I know. It's just kind of hard at the moment. Finding motivation during these times except for anger and frustration." You want to give Joel a hug, when the elevator door open and you both step out and walk to the studio door. Joel opens it and directly takes his guitar and sits down on the floor.

" I don't know about you, but I would also find absolute no motivation except for anger and frustration while sitting on the floor. Kinda uncomfortable." you laugh while taking a seat at, what usually is Aleksi chair, and take out your notebook.

"Joonas actually had this amazing idea for a song, but I really can't find anything that would work." Joel explains while going through his own notes. "And what exactly was this idea of his?" you ask Joel yet he doesn't give you any answers.

You slowly stand up and walk over to Joel and sit down right next to him. You look over his shoulder and read what is written on a piece of paper laying in his notebook in front of him.

The only thing that you're able to read is -being left alone with no one to hope for- or something like that. You make a mental note to inform Joonas that he desperately has to work on his handwriting.

You soon realize why Joel seems so lost. He's an overthinker and you know exactly what he's thinking about right now. You take the piece of paper, which Joel now has picked up, out of his hand, put it aside and pull up Joel so you both are standing in front of each other.

"Joel, listen to me and don't you dare to interrupt me. I know exactly what you're thinking about, so stop with that bullshit. I won't leave you, you know that right?" you say while putting your hands on either side of his cheeks so he is forced to look at you.

"I kn-" Joel starts to say, yet you interrupt him "I said no interrupting me, thank you very much. And if Joonas' idea was to write a song about being left alone let's write a damn song about exactly that. He didn't specify anything about all of it just being a nightmare, right? So let's twist some things and let's make it the best fucking song Blind Channel has ever written."

You go on to kiss him, though have to stand on your toes to reach him. Joel puts his arms around your waist to pull you closer to him. "God Y/N/N, I love you so much." he says while going in for another kiss, but you lightly push him back.

"You do know that to write an awsome song making out won't help at all?" you laugh and take a seat at the floor and steal Joel's guitar. You start playing some chords while Joel looks at you with the biggest smile.

He then takes a seat next to you and quietly whispers into your ear "I don't fucking deserve you, yet you're still here." you have to smile and then turn your head so you can look at him.

"I love you too, idiot. But really now get that brain of yours working and let's get some work done."

This chapter doesn't feel right, idk why but it just feels like it's waaaaaay too cheesy.
Still hope you like it and hope you'll have a great day :)

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