15. You Can't Make an Omelette Without Breaking an Egg

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The flat gemstone ground gradually gave way to luminescent outcroppings, hills, and even caves

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The flat gemstone ground gradually gave way to luminescent outcroppings, hills, and even caves. Miss Yadnee's glow refracted off of each and every one, giving the impression that she was everywhere. Or that the version of her that Grath took to be real was little more than a hologram.

Still, as the small group trekked on, Grath's misgivings began to fade, and that concerned him. Complacency wasn't something a Hotshot could afford.

"MAI, set the ship in fortress mode. Shields and weapons readied and sensors on passive, maximum sensitivity. This is all seeming too easy."

[I concur, but I can't. The radiation from the planet has drastically limited our communication range. I'm afraid you've only got the local version of me, your conscience, I suppose.] She finished with a tone that made him imagine her with a wry smile.

"Phate! Will your spawned half have the same misgivings?"

[Undoubtedly. I've likely already activated the necessary systems. But you should concentrate on your local situation.]

"Why? It's all quiet here and... Phate! It's quiet because I'm out of range, isn't it?"

[Given your companion's penchant for conversation... undoubtedly.]

Grath jogged forward to catch up with Dean, whereby his communicator sprang to life.

"... I'd hid under the fuel drum and had nearly been blown up. I tried to hide it from Mama Sitta, but when she found out I almost wished I had been blown up! Man, I really miss her. I still can't believe she's gone. Hey, Hotshot, you ever lose someone you loved?"


"That why you went all dark and scary?"

"No. I just like the image."

"Come on, I mean..."

"Don't you think there are better things we could be concentrating on right now?," Grath said, coming to a stop. "For example, your glowy friend seems to have found something."

As Dean looked over toward Miss Yadnee, his jaw dropped. The Vazin had stopped walking and now stood motionless at the centre of a small valley of curved gemstone walls. The sigils on her body were glowing a bright gold against her ebony skin.

While they watched, uncertain what to do, Miss Yadnee's aura intensified, encompassing her entire body. The light reflecting off each wall rebounded back to her, further increasing the intensity of the blinding energy surrounding her.

Grath could physically feel the energy she was radiating as it penetrated the insulation on his circuitry, making his cybernetics buzz with chaotic electrical activity..

[I don't like this, Grath. I'm not feeling so good.]

"Power down, MAI. Isolate and insulate. I'll call you when it's safe."

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