I'm Only Human. [8]

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Hi *waves* I really don't know who I think I am updating this story again after leaving it for years then announcing I won't be updating it ever again, but anyways! Truthfully I don't remember half the details and I cannot be bothered to go back and read it all again (kinda makes me cringe) so I'm just gonna hope no one picks up on any loopholes because that would be embarrassing. Like is Alexa still in school? Or did we fast forward a few years? Honestly cannot remember for the life of me but l'm gonna assume we skipped a few years and that's where I'm gonna take this from. Really can't promise I'll update this consistently but I will try my best!!!

To anyone who has stuck around this long (literally no one), thank you! I realised the least I could do for the people who message me and comment every single day is update the damn story. Disclaimer: this chapter is just a filler chapter to get the ball rolling..

Anyway, here goes!


I took a deep breath.

Phase one.

I nervously tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear as I watched Blake flicking through the movies on Netflix. Just say it. Say something. I opened my mouth to start but quickly closed it, nerves getting the better of me. Let's try again. I opened my mouth again but I just couldn't find the words I wanted- that I needed to say. I probably looked like a fish with the amount of times my mouth opened and closed.

"Blake..?" I asked nervously, my palms beginning to sweat. I could feel my heart thumping in my chest. Am I really doing this?

He looked up at me quizzically, offering a small smile.

"C-Can we talk, maybe? If you- if that's okay, if you're okay with that, of course..." I mentally face-palmed. Real smooth. Real elegant.

He laughed, but seemed unsure. "Of course, what do you wanna talk about?" He sounded almost... nervous.

I could feel my legs start to tremble. I didn't trust my voice not to match my legs so I took another deep breath, preparing myself. "I really don't know how to say this in a way that won't hurt you..." I trailed off. Truthfully, I don't think I needed to continue.

His eyebrows scrunched up; first concerned, then understanding, then sadness, then... nothing. His face was blank. Cold, even.

"Blake, I-"

"It's fine." He cut me off. He offered me a tight smile. "I know where this is going so I'll spare you the trouble. It's fine. I'm fine." He switched the TV off and stood up. "You wanna end this, right?" I could sense the hurt in his voice, no matter how hard he tried to hide it behind his stone cold façade.

I didn't have the words to respond so I weakly nodded, breaking eye contact. I'm such a bitch..

"Right." He nodded again, confirming it to himself. "Well, I guess that's that. I'll just..." He looked past me and walked out of the room.

He didn't slam any doors. He didn't yell. He didn't question why. He didn't beg me to stay. He quietly packed up an overnight bag, and left.

He didn't even say goodbye.

I didn't even say goodbye. I felt awful. But at the same time, I felt a huge wave of relief wash over me.

I was free.

Blake wasn't a bad person. He was great. He ticked all the boxes, he was everything any girl could ever want. But he wasn't him.

He wasn't Kai.

I walked over to the armchair and slumped into it, letting out a sigh of relief. Then it dawned on me.

This is Blake's apartment.

I'm the one who should have left. Why did he leave? Was he giving me time to pack up my things? I wanted to slap myself. Not only did I break up with him but I essentially kicked him out of his own home. I really am a bitch.

I picked up my phone and called Cairo. He answered almost instantly.


"Is it done? Is phase one complete??" He interrupted eagerly.

"Oh. Yeah, it is. That's why I was calling. But Cairo, I'm basically homeless now. We didn't really think this through, did we?"

"Oh, don't be dramatic. You can stay with me until you figure out something more permanent." He insisted. I breathed a sigh of relief. I had hoped he would say that. I thanked him and wrapped up the phone call, heading into the bedroom to pack up my things.

I couldn't pack everything so I put some essentials in a suitcase and figured I would have to come back at some point to collect the rest.

The guilt washed away too quickly. I felt like I could finally breathe again. I didn't feel trapped anymore. I was free to leave this house and not look back. I was free. I smiled to myself as I walked out of the front door with my suitcase rolling beside me. I didn't look back – not once. I didn't need to. That chapter of my life was behind me. And I didn't wanna visit it again.

I got into my Uber and headed straight for Cairo's house. I called Venice on the way there to update her on what had happened and to say she was confused was an understatement. Mostly because we hadn't really talked in a little while but she knew I was dealing with my own issues so she didn't take it personally. As my best friend she showed me endless support and told me she'd be there for me whatever I do. I was grateful I had her in my life.

I also quickly sent Blake a text saying I had left his place and that I was sorry. He read the text, but he didn't respond. And in all fairness, I didn't expect him to, but I thought it was fair to let him know he could return home without the awkwardness of bumping into me.

I thanked the Uber driver and headed up the stairs to Cairo's front door. I didn't even need to ring the doorbell. The second I lifted my hand up to press it the door swung open. I was immediately pulled into a tight embrace.

"Cairo... I can't.. breathe..." I managed to wheeze out.

"Oh, sorry" he apologised as he relaxed his grip around me. "I'm just so happy you're here!"

I smiled up at him, grateful to have him in my life too.

He took the suitcase from my hand and ushered me to follow him inside. We stopped in the foyer when he turned around and grinned at me.

"Now it's time for phase two."

I nodded.

"I'm ready."

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