I'm Only Human. [7]

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3 weeks.

3 weeks had passed since I decided I needed to win my old friends over. And guess what I did in those two weeks? Absolutely nothing. Zilch. Nada.

So much and so little (on my part) had happened in the past two weeks though. Cairo started seeing this girl. Apparently she's not his mate but he does like her so he's giving their relationship a chance. Matt's in jail with his next court appearance still pending. Blake and I are still a couple because I'm too much of a wimp to do anything about it. I still haven't talked to any of my old friends. I'm even starting to push Venice away - which I need to stop if I want to have any friends left before I turn twenty!

And then there's Kai...

I haven't heard from him since two weeks ago but then again I didn't really expect to. I mean it's not like we were all that acquainted anymore, if ever. Plus he has a girlfriend or mate now or whatever. I laughed bitterly. Who would've thought? Jenette.. A girl I knew growing up who was perfectly nice and always there for me, and now she's in a relationship with my mate-

My eyes widened at my thoughts. My mate? No. I rejected him, remember? So I can't be mad at Jenette because technically she did nothing wrong. But I still felt this unexplainable betrayal and anger towards her. I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts. I snuggled deeper into the comforter in my bed just wanting to get away from the mess I called my life.

"Dear life, when did you get so complicated?" I asked randomly. I mentally snorted. "Now I'm really starting to lose it. Hey, maybe I could start writing in journal." A journal was better than talking to myself. Plus I could even-

Knock knock.

"Nobody's home." I grumbled, pulling a pillow over my ears.

Knock knock knock knock.

"Shurrrrup," I whined. Maybe if I just ignored it they would just go away? Couldn't be anyone important to me anyway.. Hardly anyone comes to visit me unannounced but Blake. In that case... I grabbed another pillow to cover my other ear as I turned over so I was facing the mattress trying to drown out the knocking sound.

Knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock-

"Okay, I'm coming! No need to break down the door!" I yelled, throwing the comforter and pillows off me.

I trudged to the front door in my pajamas and pulled open the front door.

I swear Blake better have a good reason-


He barged past me waking straight into the kitchen.

I was dumbstruck just starting out the front door. "Well come on in, why don't you?" I closed the door shut, following after Cairo into the kitchen.

"Uh, not that I mind that you're here but.. Why exactly are you here?"

He sighed, putting down the water bottle that he oh so happily took from my fridge. "Look Alexa, I love you and all but I'm sick of you just moping around all the time. Your life is basically falling apart in front of you and you're not doing anything about it. You're stuck in a relationship with a guy you don't even love and you haven't even tried to get out of it- for what? To punish yourself? Is that it? Because you think you've inflicted so much pain on others that you need to suffer yourself? Well I've had enough. You're letting your life crumble around you and you're not even trying to pick up the pieces. I've been waiting for you to finally flip and change that but you haven't so now I am."

To say that I was stunned would be an understatement. I didn't know how Cairo managed to work all that out but he hit the nail on the head. I did try to punish myself for what I put Kai through. Deep down that was one of the reasons - I took away what was meant to be his true love (I guess) and so I didn't deserve to have one either. And no matter how many times I thought I would do something about it and that it was time to put the pieces back, that's all it ever was. Thoughts. I never put those thoughts into action because I was too scared of the outcome, and too scared to hurt anyone else again.. Or be hurt myself.

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