I'm Only Human. [5]

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I followed Kai into the kitchen where Jenette was leaning against the marble counter. I didn't miss the murderous glare she was sending my way either.

It was strange. I could tell Jenette was jealous but that totally contradicted her personality. The Jenette I knew would never aim to make another girl feel unwelcome or uncomfortable for whatever reason. Seeing her act like this was unnerving for me because I knew it had something to do with the fact that Kai was her mate. Is that really how strong the mate-bond-thing was?

A small lump formed in my throat as I thought of Jenette as Kai's mate. Why didn't I feel as strongly as Jennnet about Kai when I first met him? For a moment I wondered if it could be because I wasn't half-human half-wolf but I shook that thought off when I remembered Jenette was a hundred percent human too, just like me.

"What would you like?" Kai's voice snapped me out of my inner-debate.

"Um, just cereal is good."

I took a seat at the kitchen counter on the small black stool. I felt a little bad that I was just sitting while Kai was making me a bowl of cereal. I was perfectly capable of doing so myself, and it's not like we were that close that I would feel comfortable with him doing things for me. Truth is, we weren't close at all.

I might have been his mate- pardon me, first mate, but I had rejected him and never had a chance to build any form of relationship with him. I had no idea what he did over the past fourteen months, if he ever even became the Alpha or whatever. I knew nothing.

Cairo decided it would be best not to talk about Kai after I rejected him, so whenever we spoke he never bought him up.

He and I had grown quite close over the past year and two months. He was my brother and I didn't want to not have him in my life, it wouldn't be right. We spoke occasionally over the phone and even met up a few times.

Another thing we never spoke about was his dad. Well, I guess he's my dad too.

I never met him in the end. I have no idea if he even knows of existence. No matter how many times Cairo tried to persuade me to meet him, I just couldn't. What did it matter anyway? He was basically a stranger to me. It's not like we could rekindle our relationship or anything- we never had one. And why would I want to build a relationship with the man who never wanted one with me in the first place? It was pointless and stupid.

I sighed, running a hand though my hair. This was my life. My messed up, unrealistic, sad excuse of a life.

A bowl was placed in front of me and I didn't have to look up to know it was Kai who put it there. I mumbled a quiet 'thanks' and pulled a spoonful of the cornflakes to my mouth. I downed the bowl in less than five minutes. It felt like I hadn't eaten in months.

I got up and rinsed out the bowl, placing it in the dishwasher.

"So," Kai started, breaking the silence that had settled around us. "I really do think we should talk."

I looked around the kitchen and noticed Jenette was no longer lurking. When did she leave?

"Yeah," I sighed in agreement. "We should."

"I guess I should start off by letting you know that you're not fully human, Ally."

I started at him in bewilderment. No! No, that is not how you should start off a conversation!

"I mean, you are!" He rushed to correct himself. "But you carry a werewolf gene. I mean, you have to, Cairo's your brother and he's a werewolf."

I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. "So, what does that mean?"

"I don't know. I've been thinking about it-"

"You've been thinking about me?" I interrupted, a little shocked yet somewhat touched. "I mean, it!" I corrected. "You've been thinking about it?"

"Yeah," he sighed. "Everyday."

"I was confused, you know?" He continued. "Ever since the day you rejected me - I couldn't understand it. I was always taught that the mate bond is so strong you could never want to even think about rejecting your mate. But you rejected me. I thought maybe it was because you're human and your feelings towards me weren't as strong as mine towards you, but then I remembered. The first time I saw you, I could smell it; so could everyone else. My father thought you were a rogue. We were all so confused, stuff like this doesn't happen."

"Stuff like what doesn't happen? You're not making any sense, Kai. What are you talking about?" I asked desperately, taking a seat across him at the kitchen counter.

"It was just so hard to understand," he continued, completely disregarding me. "Why are you not a werewolf? Cairo is. Why did he get the gene and you didn't? So I did the only thing I could think to do. I asked your dad."

My eyes bulged out of their sockets. "You what?!"

"Calm down," he reassured me. "I didn't tell him about you. Cairo explained to me you don't want him to know."

"Oh," I replied, the relief putting me at ease.

"Your father is a very smart man, Ally. The smartest in our pack I would say. So I asked him if it were possible for the werewolf gene to not be passed down to all children, 'cos that was the only solution I could come up with. He told me that it was impossible. 'Every child with even one werewolf parent will carry the werewolf gene' he told me. But he also said there was always a possibility that the gene would be... dormant; only-activated-when-needed kind of thing. So I figured that's what happened with you," he said, finally looking up at me. "You most probably have the werewolf gene, your body just hasn't gone through the change yet - if it ever will."

And suddenly it felt like the weight of the world had been dropped onto my shoulders. So... I was a werewolf, too? Or a possible werewolf?

Letting out a long, raggedy breath, I ran my hands over my face and left them to sit on my head. My fingers ever so slightly tugged on my hair as I thought over everything Kai had just told me.

"Wow." I finally spoke after a few minutes of silence.

Kai nodded in agreement.

Then a thought hit me.

"Kai," I started.


"If I... If I ever do become a, um, you know, a.. werewolf," I shuddered at the thought. "Will I find another mate?"

He stopped, his eyebrows knitting together as if he was deep in thought. "I... I don't know. I recently learnt only Alpha's getting second mates..."

"Oh." I tried to hide the despair and sadness in my voice.

"Maybe you will," he added quickly, making me think he picked up on the sadness in my voice, "because, I mean, when you.. rejected me as, technically, a human. Perhaps there's a chance you will find a mate as a werewolf?"

I gave him a forced smile. Although his words were meant to soothe me - make me feel better, they only made me feel worse. I didn't really want another mate nor did I not want one.

I guess somewhere, deep down, I knew the only mate I would ever want, I had no chance with.

Because I had already rejected him and he had moved on.


Sorry for taking so long! *covers eyes in shame* I have a feeling this is really short, I can't really tell cos I'm typing on my phone, but yeah, I'm so sorry!! I'll try to upload more frequently now that it's summer!

But yeah, please vote and comment and all that jazz (even though I don't deserve it D;). Also, thank you for leaving such nice comments and feedback on this story, they always put a smile on my face. I don't always get time to reply to each and every one of you but I do see every comment. :)

Thank you guys!


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