I'm Only Human. [3]

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My stomach turned and I knew what was coming next. I ran out of the room, out of the house, and out of the gates of the house, not looking back once. In the distance I could faintly make out Blake and Kai's voice calling my name but I couldn't turn back. I wouldn't.

Tears flew off my cheeks into the wind as I ran away. I ran, and ran, and ran, until I couldn't run any longer. Then I bent over and emptied out the contents of my stomach in the corner of an ally way.

I looked down at the vomit in disgust. "Yum..." I used the back of my hand to wipe my mouth clean and wiped the back of my hand on the side of my dress. I shrugged when I saw how noticeable the stain on the brand new dress was. I didn't like the dress anyway.

I sat down on the dirty cement pavement and took a moment to think everything over. Kai had found his second mate. The thought alone made me sick. I realised how jealous I was being and I wanted to slap myself. I had no right. Just over a year ago I had said it would be good for Kai to find his second mate so we wouldn't have to be together and he could still be Alpha or whatever. Even though Cairo told me it was near impossible, I still hoped he would find her so I would feel less awful about myself. And he did. He found her, and now I felt worse.

The worst part was that his second mate was someone I knew. Blake's ex-girlfrend. I let out a small humourless laugh. That really came back to bite me in the ass...

I stayed on the cold ground a little longer thinking the past 14 months over, and how everything could've been so different if I didn't reject Kai. My heart shattered into a million pieces at the thought. I was miserable; I was miserable without Kai no matter what I tried to make myself believe. Unknowingly, tears started streaming down my face. I wiped them away fiercely. I had no right to cry! I made my bed and now I had to lay in it. It was all my fault. Everything that happened was my fault and this was my punishment. Whether it was from God or Mother Nature, I had no idea, but I, alone, made this mess and now I, alone, had to deal with the consequences. I sniffed and wiped my eyes, standing up off the cold, unwelcoming cement ground.

Then something dawned on me.

I desperately searched the area I was in. There was nothing I recognised, no signs of civilisation - nothing. Suddenly I felt sick again. I had no idea where I was, and it was getting darker.

A feeling spread through me that I recognised as fear. Here I was, in the middle of nowhere, standing in a vomit-stained dress (that looked ridiculous on me), tear lines stained on my cheeks, and my hair was probably a mess too. I sighed, the only thing I could do for myself was keep walking in a desperate attempt to find some form of civilisation. A payphone, people, anything!

"This day just keeps getting better," I muttered bitterly as I walked down the street. After merely five minutes of walking I was exhausted. I stopped to take a breather when something caught my attention.

Voices. Distant voices. Relief washed through me as I ran towards the direction of the voices. "Hey! Excuse me!" I couldn't see anyone yet but the voices were getting closer so I kept running. I turned the corner, and surely enough, that's where the voices stopped.

Three figures. Three dark, hooded figures was all it took for me to take off running in the opposite direction.

There was a high possibility that they had heard me. There was an even higher possibility that they had seen me. But the one thing that was certain was that they were bad news. The way they walked and moved said it all. Although I didn't get a glimpse of their actual faces I recognised the way they presented themselves. It was the way Blake, Joey, Matt, Trey and Kyle would walk when they were in a gang and tried to act 'cool' and 'intimidating'. I knew far too well to steer clear of people like that, especially if I didn't know them - which I didn't.

I quickly scurried down the street pretending I never saw anything. If they didn't know I was there they wouldn't do anything. So I speed-walked away from them down the never ending road.

I looked over my shoulder and my heart leapt in my throat when I noticed a silhouette trailing slowly behind me. Not too close that the person would be able to clearly make out my face, but close enough. I silently gulped, wiping my clammy hands down the side of my dress. My breathing turned short and shallow. Vague puffs of steam surrounded my mouth and nose as I exhaled in the cold air.

I quickened my pace, and finally, the road ended! I turned the corner and took off in a sprint. Where were all the people in this damn area?!

My ears weren't deceiving me when I heard heavy footsteps catching up to me. All kinds of thoughts were running through my head in regards to if the person would catch me. Then as if the day could get any worse, the sky started pelting down hard with rain and hail.

I groaned in agitation and anger as I tried to run away from the stranger in heels whilst the sky basically pissed down on me; which I translated as "take that, bitch!".

I kept on running though. I could hear my chaser's voice screaming something at me but it was drowned out by the heavy beat of rain and hail in my ears.

Why did I run away from the house in the first place?! I demanded to myself. It was all too much for me to handle, I started to cry... again. If I had just faced my problems instead of running from them I wouldn't have been put in this position! I would have been safe in the warmth of Blake's parents' home. "I would take an awkward conversation over this any way!" I cried out to myself as I kept running.

I was really surprised my stamina- "No!" I screamed as my left heel broke causing me to fall face-first into the damp, cement ground.

"Shit, shit, shit!" I cried, wiping my face with one hand and holding onto my now twisted ankle with the other. A searing pain shot up my ankle causing me to scream in agony. Tears welled up in my eyes. Not only did I break my ankle but now I couldn't even run away from my chaser.

Just as I was about to scream for help the person chasing me literally ran at me. "Holy shit, Ally, why did you run! Are you okay?"

That voice sent my body into a frenzy. "What the hell..." Of all the people i expected or didn't expect it to be, he wasn't even on the list. I never in a million years expected Kai would be the one chasing me. Or trying to help me? Or whatever reason he had for following me.

"Are you okay?" He asked again, his voice so soft and caring. "Why did you run? I only wanted to talk," he murmured. My heart broke at the softness of his voice. After everything I did to him, he was the one that chased after me when I left the house. Not Venice. Not Blake. Kai. The boy I broke up with before we were even together. The boy I didn't even give a chance.

"Ally, talk to me," he pleaded, putting his hand on my shoulder. His touch sent shocks through my body, it somewhat revived me. Brang me back from my state of shock.

"Wha... How... I... Wh..." And that was it. I couldn't handle it. I broke down into tears. Everything came rushing back to me at full force and I finally, properly, understood everything that I had screwed up. Everything that I could have had but threw away, not thinking twice. Everything that I ruined, not just for me, but for Kai, and even Blake. "I'm a terrible person," I cried, my body shaking due to the cold rain and sobs.

"Shh, it's okay," he cooed, rubbing my back. "We'll talk about everything later. Right now I need to get you home."

Then he scooped my, miserable, sobbing, self up in his warm arms and held me close to his chest as he walked down the street.

Eventually my sobs died down and I knocked out from all of the exhaustion. And even though I was cold and wet, I felt warm and safe in his arms.

Like it was home.


Blah, sorry this is sooooo late!!! I see a lot of comments asking me to update quicker and felt bad so I literally just wrote this now. I have a test tomorrow and I put off studying just so I could write this so I hope you enjoy it! Also, I don't know if this is long or not because I wrote this on my phone and it seems not that long but I dunno, whatever. It's something, right?

I just hope you guys enjoy this chapter! New chapter soon! (I hope).


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