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Haven was talking with Maisie and Rebecca as they made there way to their dorms. Rebecca lived in her own small apartment. Maisie was planning on buying one too. But she decided to live with Haven. For some months.

The three girls had their hands full of bags filled with new clothes. The princesses insisted that Haven should change her wardrobe a little, for most of her clothes were made of leather and they won't work in Autedon, because it was sunny there. The girls laughed at something Rebecca said, Haven was about to say something but she saw Evie walking alone in the corridor.

"Evie" yelled Haven. Evie looked up to see the blue haired beauty waving at her, Evie smiled and walked towards her.

"How are you, Haven?" Evie asked. Haven smiled.

" I'm fine. How about you and the others?" Haven asked. "And see, these are my friends. This is Maisie and Rebecca." Haven introduced. Evie smiled at everyone. "Guys, this is Evie. My own personal fashion designer. Well used to be on the Isle." Said Haven.

"Hey Evie. You're really pretty and I love your dresses. Haven showed us all of them." Rebecca said warmly and Evie blushed.

"Yeah, you should become a fashion designer." Praised Maisie.

"I know, right?" Haven agreed.

"Thanks." Evie said shyly. Haven smiled at the girl before tapping her on shoulder.

"Evie, we went to shopping and I saw a beautiful dress, and I bought it for you." Haven informed. "Girls, will you please take my bags to the dorm. I want to meet my sister and the others." Asked Haven. The girls nodded and took the bag from Haven, but first Haven took one bag with herself that contained Mal and Evie's gifts.

"Bye, we'll meet you at the dinner." Maisie said.

" Bye girls." Haven said.

The walk to Mal and Evie's dorms was silent. As they reached to the room, Evie unlocked it and they went in. Mal was not in the room so they assumed that she's still at school.

"This is your dress." Haven said, showing Evie her blue coloured dress. Evie saw that dress and gasped.

               " This is so beautiful

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" This is so beautiful." Evie said, hugging her best friend.

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