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Phil had no idea how he'd ever endured this place at all before. Thank god it was Friday, he would need the next two days off.

With all the mindless teenagers racing through the halls and not paying attention to anyone around them, and the arrogant and bitchy teachers, it was a wonder Phil didn't just leave. The only up side to the day was gym class, when he got to see Dan. There were two different gym teachers, and Dan had made sure that Phil was in his class.

The locker room was filled with other guys, changing and throwing things at each other and laughing about stupid jock things. Phil made sure he was all the way in the back of the room, so he wouldn't have to deal with all of that.

He wasn't a very active person himself, but he could hold up when it was needed. He was sure he wouldn't a make a complete idiot of himself.

The gym was large, a lot bigger than his old high school had. Maybe twice as much. Okay, maybe this wouldn't be as easy as he'd thought.

Phil spotted Dan in the middle of the room, in sweats and a T-shirt, and wished that he could go over and talk to him. This day had been hell enough, and he needed something to get him through the rest of it. But firstly, they had to keep professional around each other. It would look suspicious if they started talking to each other as if they'd known each other forever. And Phil didn't want any rumors spreading about them. Even if he technically was legal, and didn't have to even be in school anymore.

They were doing some warm up session, all gathered in the center of the room. Phil headed over and caught Dan's eye, smirking as Dan surreptitiously checked him out. As if he hadn't seen much more of Phil's skin than what these shorts allowed.

Push ups, sit ups, and then three laps around the gym. That was the routine they were following, and Phil was reluctant to comply. He did about three of the first two before giving up and laying in the floor and catching his breath. He had no kind of upper body strength. And then climbed up and started jogging. His calves were starting to tense up.

Every now and then, he'd look up and catch Dan staring at him and he'd shake his head. Could he be any more obvious? He'd thought he would have more trouble controlling himself, and here Dan was, practically having eye sex with him.

After that, they were pretty much free to do whatever, and Phil wasn't surprised when most of the students headed for the bleachers. He heard over there himself and sat down heavily, rubbing his thighs. He was already sore.

"Hello." Said a voice, and Phil looked over to see a girl with bright orange hair sit next to him. "Are you new here?"

"Um, yeah." Phil said, not really used to talking to new people. "I'm Phil."

"Emma." She said, holding out her hand which Phil shook. "Sorry. It's not everyday we get new people. And all the other kids here are boring as shit."

Phil grinned, sort of surprised at her random swearing. She seemed interesting. "Well, here I am."

"I couldn't help but notice." She said, looking at him in curiosity. "The new gym teacher checking you out."

Phil blushed at her open suggestion, and shrugged, trying to play it off. "Maybe he's a creep."

Emma laughed and patted his shoulder. "Could be an explanation. If you weren't doing the same to him."

Phil didn't say anything to that. Had he been checking out Dan? He didn't think he was so open about it.

The bell rang then, and Phil was getting up to leave when Emma stopped him. "Will you wait for me? And we can leave together? You have lunch next, right?" Phil nodded and she gave him another smile before leaving to the girls locker room.

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