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  Day Three (Phil's POV)

  This must be what Bella was going through, after getting turned into a vampire. Well, Phil felt absolutely sorry for her, because this was hell.

  He had been suffering through the burning in his blood for God knows how long, but no matter how long he he faced it, it never dulled, never got easier to bear. If anything, it continually got worse. He'd yelled, pleaded, begged for some Higher power to just kill him; he'd called for Dan countless times to make it go away, only to be disappointed by the silence given to him.

  There had been times, where black edged around his vision, and he'd prayed so hard for it to take control, but a new wave of fire would bring him back sharply. He'd cried too many times to count, and his face was coated with salty tears.

  But just when Phil was going go give up, and beg the Highers to leave him alone, it stopped, as suddenly as it had started.

  He lay there, panting and sweating, his eyes closed tightly and braced for any unexpected pain. But none came, and he slowly opened his eyes to see all the Highers surrounding him, silent as ever. He stared back at them, still trying to catch his breath from his nightmarish experience.

  " it o-over? Are we d-one?" He asked weakly, and he winced because his throat was sore from yelling so much.

  "Almost." One of them said, and Phil almost started crying. What more did they possibly have to do with him?

  "Please, God please don't. Don't hurt me anymore, I can't.....I can't take any more. Please, no more..." He shamlessly begged, not caring about the pain in his throat, he just wanted to leave.

  "Don't worry, Phillip. The next part isn't painful at all, we just have to let the blood we injected in you settle. After that, you can leave."

  Phil exhaled at that, relieved that nothing painful was involved. He would break in half if so.

  "But there is a side effect." Phil visibly tensed, hoping that they weren't going to slice him open or anything. "Don't worry. The only thing is you might have mild hallucinations. You won't even remember it, after its over. Only another hour or two, Phil, hold out." Wow, that was the first time they'd called him Phil.

  There was silence for a moment, before the Highers all left, walking away from the table and leaving Phil by himself.

  He really hoped that these 'hallucinations' weren't too much for him, because he seriously didn't know how much more he could handle of this ritual.

  He was still sweating, and right now he was-

  -caught up in the feel of Dan's lips.

  It was early morning, maybe seven or eight a.m. Phil lay on his back in their bed, and Dan was on top of him, slowly kissing along his neck and moving down to his chest. The blankets were pulled over their heads in a tent like fashion, blocking them out from the rest of the world and giving them this moment alone.

  Phil let out a low moan, and tangled his fingers into Dan's at-the-moment curly hair, as Dan himself licked Phil's collarbone. Without warning, his lips attached to Phil's right nipple, biting it gently, and Phil leaned his head back, opening his mouth but was too deep in the sensitive pleasure to make a sound.

  Dan didn't stop there, but continued licking and biting down Phil's stomach, holding on to his hips tightly to stop him from moving around too much.

  "Dan." Phil gasped, still lost in the feel of everything that was happening. "Are you gonna.....?" He trailed off, blushing red at the rest of his sentence. But Dan knew what he meant and smirked up at him.

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