《 Prologue 》

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Tw: injuries, cursing

Heavy breathing was heard as a young teen could be seen trying to run away from a hoard of people.

"Get back here!"

"You don't fucking belong here! Go back from where you came from!"

The young teen clenched their teeth as they ran across a slippery bridge that held a giant pond from underneath.

The hoard was a group of adults that got angry at the young teen apparently stealing from them the seventh time that week.

What the whole group didn't know was how they were chasing down one of the princes that liked dressing up as a villager here and there.

Small whirlpools were created underneath in random spots of the pond.

Fear struck the teen when they felt a hand grip onto the back of their shirt.

"Wait, no!" The teen cried out as they twisted and turned, trying to break free of the hold of an adult.

"You damned boy, shut the fuck up!" The one that was holding them, snapped while holding the young male over the pond.

The boy felt fear as he stared down into the pond beneath him.

He couldn't swim at all.

Many teachers had tried to get him to swim but he would usually skip their lessons.

'Is this... Is this how the villagers actually act like to those that seem lower than them?'

A loud frightful cry echoed in the area as the man released the child into the freezing cold water.

"And stay down there, you asshole."

The hoard of people broke apart, not saving the drowning child.

Blonde locks floated upwards while their owner's body floated downwards.

This boy went by the name of Tommy, the third prince and the son of King Phil.

Tommy could feel his body be weighed downwards as he gazed at the blurry sky that laid above the water.

'Someone...please...save m–"

The last thing Tommy saw was curious (E/c) hues and shiny (F/c) scales sparkling in the water.

A child, about ten years old or so, could be seen playing in the water of the pond that they resided in.

They had seen many people walk by, staring at the beauty that the pond gave away to the place called nature.

The sound of hollering and shouting was heard which caused them to pop their head out from underneath the water in confusion.

It was a hoard of humans, holding a boy older than them over the pond in a threatening manner.

This caused the child to furrow their eyebrows in confusion as they lightly swam closer to the commotion that was going on right in front of their pond.

The loud sound of a piercing scream causes the child to slam their webbed hands to their ears, trying to stop the loud noise.

Huge ripples slapped them in the face which caused them to go under.

(E/c) eyes brightened up and glowed, acting like some type of night vision or light for their owner.

Swimming forward, (H/c) locks could be seen swaying behind them as their owner gripped onto a nearby coral.

"Is this a human?" They asked themselves, confused.

Curiosity danced around in their eyes as they reached a webbed hand out and touched the blonde's cold skin called an arm.

"Wah! They're getting cold, I have to bring them to big brother! He'll know what to do!" They exclaimed as they wrapped their hands underneath the boy's arms and started swimming backwards.

The (H/c)ette gazed at the fainted human boy before them, "Don't worry, human! Ranboo will find a way to help you."

With that, the child headed in the direction of where they would find their older brother at.

A male with messy and fluffy dirty blonde locks, which will usually switch over to half black and white, stared in a daze.

He had learned many things from the different species of fish that lived with him.

Many called him Prince Ranboo, prince of the sea.

Although, there was just one person that would call him just Ranboo.

It was his younger sibling, (Y/n).

(Y/n) was also royalty but they didn't act like it.

Despite this, they were the royalty of rivers and ponds.

There was only one thing that they both didn't like talking about.

It was their parents.

Their parents had been captured by the humans long ago and were auctioned off at the highest price.

They had almost gotten captured with their parents, but a captain had saved them.

A woman with long white puffy curly locks and sheep features was the one that had saved them.

"Big brother!" A voice exclaimed, causing Ranboo to look over.

"(Y/n)?" Ranboo asked, confused on what the younger one wanted.

That's when (Y/n) decided to show a still alive human in their arms.

"Big brother, a human fell into my pond!" (Y/n) chirped.

"Wait... What!?" Ranboo exclaimed in disbelief.

The proof was right in front of him.

(Y/n) was surely carrying a human in their arms.

"Can we help them?" They asked with a hopeful look.

Ranboo took in a deep breath before sighing.

"I guess," he agreed.

(Y/n)'s eyes brightened like beautiful bright and colorful jewels.

"We'll have to get help from Captain Puffy. She should be at the docks."

"Alrighty! Captain Puffy, we're on our way!"

Ranboo watched as his sibling started swimming in the direction of the docks.

"Make sure that the human doesn't drown!"

"Got it!"

Ranboo shook his head in silent amusement and swam after his younger sibling.

There was one thing that he wanted to know.

Why was the prince dressed up as a low life villager?


Something that nobody asked for?
Here's a Lacuna spin-off ^-^;

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