《 The Truth Is Out 》

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Tw: mention of death

Schlatt continued to hold his fake happy smile on his lips as he placed a hand right on top of (Y/n)'s head.

The said (H/c)ette felt fear consume them as they felt their necklace pulsate gently, warning them to get away quickly.

Their (E/c) hues shimmered and swayed as they quickly gave a feared look to the people that surrounded them.

Ranboo seemed to notice the light glow of the spirited syren that acted as if it was banging up against the necklace, wanting for the both of them to run away from this man in an instance.

Schlatt gazed down at the necklace and mentally laughed, the (H/c)ette was clearly a merchild.

(Y/n)'s body trembled as their eyes shrunk and shook.

Techno felt some of the room grow cold when he lowered a hand straight to the blade that was hidden underneath his red cloak.

"Let them go, Schlatt," he ordered calmly, his ruby red eyes dancing with anger.

Schlatt just laughed as he pulled the young child up to his hip, "My, oh my, Techno, whatever do you mean?"

Techno gritted his teeth silently.

(Y/n) gave a silent plea of help towards the pinkette, not liking the fact that they're being touched.

Schlatt lowered himself and brought his lips up to the smaller one's ear.

Ranboo felt fear go up his spine when he saw (Y/n)'s eyes widened and shrunk into small dots that were shaking like crazy.

Techno growled a bit and forcefully grabbed Schlatt's hand off of the smaller.

Seeing this, (Y/n) quickly ran into the arms of the trio behind them, shaking like a storm.

Tommy was glaring angrily up at the man while Tubbo tried his best to calm down the younger with gentle and sweet words.

Schlatt raised his hands up as he chuckled, "No, no. Don't worry, I'm done here."

Techno and the other three watched as the man walked away with a pleased smirk on his lips.

(Y/n) was pretty shaken up as they turned their head towards Techno.

As the pinkette turned around and started to walk off, he felt a small body slam right into them.

The (H/c)ette had their arms wrapped around his waist, hugging him.

Techno's red eyes widened a bit as he gazed at the other three who held a look of amusement.

Teary (E/c) eyes could be seen glimmering as their owner looked up towards him.

His braided pink locks lightly thudded his back as he looked down a bit.

"Thank you!" (Y/n) squeaked out as they gave a wide relieved closed eyed smile.

Tommy laughed a bit at his brother's confusion.

"No...problem," Techno replied as he gave the shorter a gentle head pat as they pulled themselves away from the hug.

(Y/n) opened their eyes a bit and wiped away the unshed tears that didn't escape.

They watched as Techno left the four of them, making sure he kept his eyes on both Schlatt and his pals while doing so.

"Are you alright?" Ranboo gently asked, crouching down to his sibling's height.

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