《 Captain Puffy 》

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A young woman was looking through the storage on the front deck as her crew mates went off to buy whatever supplies that were needed for their next adventure at sea.

Gentle knocking captured her attention causing her to look over and off of the side of the boat, noticing a familiar (H/c)ette merchild with their sibling.

A wide smile crossed her lips as she leaned against the wooden railing.

"Aye, mateys! Did ye need anything?" She called down to the creatures that liked hiding away from the humans.

"We had someone fall into (Y/n)'s pond again, Puffy!" Ranboo answered.

The captain, Puffy, furrowed her eyebrows.

"Again?" She asked in disappointment.

"Mmhm," (Y/n) hummed and showed the sheep hybrid of a captain.

Puffy's eyes widened when she saw the familiar figure of the prince.

"Oh dear! Ranboo, please be a dear and bring him up here," she hastily said as she went off to get the right supplies to help the fainted prince.

Ranboo felt the light tug of his scales be pulled causing him to look over.

He gently smiled and placed a webbed hand on top of the younger child's head, "Hey, don't worry, it'll be just for a little bit."

(Y/n) puffed out their cheeks, not accepting the reassurance as they watched their brother's figure turn a lot more human-like.

The webbed hands, the fins, tail, and gills were now gone.

Ranboo took the fainted prince into his arms and brought him up onto the boat.

"Mum, look!" A child's voice exclaimed, pointing at (Y/n)'s poked out head.

An alarmed look went acrossed (Y/n)'s face as they ducked underneath the water.

"There's nothing in the water, Toby. Now please, we need to hurry before your father starts acting up again."

The hurried voice of the woman pleaded.

"Oh... Okay."

The two quickly left, ignoring the worried looks of those that had heard the woman.

(Y/n) slowly lifted their head, making contact with the sandy docks for a few seconds.

They never really liked using normal feet because they figured out swimming was faster in their eyes.

Taking in a deep breath, the same transformation that Ranboo went through happened to (Y/n) as well.

(S/c) feet had replaced their (F/c) tail and scales.

Wobbling for a few seconds, the (H/c)ette went up onto Puffy's boat.

"Is he going to be okay?" They asked, worried for the boy that they had saved.

Puffy and Ranboo looked over, surprised to see how the (H/c)ette decided to look human.

Puffy gave a warm and motherly smile, "Yes, of course. If you weren't any quicker, I might say that he would've drowned."

Ranboo and (Y/n) both gave a sigh of relief.

"(Y/n)," Puffy spoke up, giving a side glance to the young child beside her, who was currently gazing at the now sleeping boy.

"Mmh, yeah?" (Y/n) asked, confused on what the older woman needed.

Finishing off the scrapes and bruising, Puffy turned towards the younger.

"Did you see what the villagers looked like?" She asked.

This caused (Y/n) to lift a finger up to their lips as they thought deeply.

"I was only able to make one connection towards the hoard of people. And I think this one was the main attacker?" They replied, questioning their own sanity.

Puffy lightly placed her hands on the younger's shoulders.

Ranboo stiffened up when he saw the fear in (Y/n)'s eyes at the fact of being touched.

Puffy seemed to notice and apologized as she brought her hands back to her side.

"Please, (N/n)."

The pleading voice of the older woman broke the two siblings.

"I couldn't take in his features much but...instead of being a sheep like you, it looked like he had ram horns? He had messy or shaggy brown hair that covered his head and face. And he looked evil," (Y/n) answered, counting on their fingers while trying to remember who they saw.

Hearing this caused Puffy to narrow her eyes, "Schlatt."

The poisonous venom that left the woman's lips caused the siblings to flinch and freeze up.

They've heard Puffy this angry before.

"P-Puffy, who's this 'Schlatt'?" Ranboo asked.

Puffy softened her eyes as she gazed back at the children.

"A really bad man that should've been put behind bars years ago," she answered.

Ranboo and (Y/n) looked at each other.

"What did he do?" (Y/n) asked this time, clearly worried about the answer.

Puffy bit the inside of her cheek, knowing how they never saw their parents' kidnappers.

"He was one of the bad people that stole your parents from you two," she whispered.

Ranboo's grey eyes flashed green and red due to the anger he felt.

(Y/n) turned towards Ranboo, throwing their arms around his waist.

Ranboo felt the world around him freeze as he felt himself be pulled into a hug by a smaller figure.

"(Y/n)," he mumbled out, his eyes going back to their normal grey.

(Y/n) shook their head, "Boo, please! We promised not to go after anyone until we found every single one of them."

Ranboo frowned as he crouched down and pulled the shorter into a hug.

Soft sniffles left the younger as the two hugged.

Puffy smiled at the two siblings that she always thought of as her children.

Despite having two children of her own, it's been years since she's last seen and heard from them.

"Ranboo? (Y/n)?" A soft voice piped up.

This caused the siblings to turn and look.

"Niki!" (Y/n) exclaimed as they dived into the said female's arms.

Niki lightly laughed and hugged back.

"How are you two?" She asked, looking over at Ranboo with a welcoming smile.

"We've been good. (Y/n) saved the third prince from drowning," he answered.

Niki gasped as she felt (Y/n) leave her arms within a few seconds due to the physical contact that they still weren't used to.

The dyed pinkette gazed at the child in awe.

"Really? That's amazing, (N/n)!" She exclaimed.

(Y/n) dropped their head, "But he's the tenth person to fall into my pond within three days."

Niki laughed nervously, "But that's still great!"

Puffy nudged a hand towards the sleeping blonde, "We should be heading up to the castle to give King Phil his son back."

Niki, Ranboo, and (Y/n) nodded their heads in agreement.

The groan left the boy's lips causing everyone to turn towards him.

"W-where am I?"

The blonde opened his eyes a bit and turned towards the people that surrounded him.



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