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Skye pov.

I woke up the next morning with my head rested on something hard. The ground beneath me was soft and uneven. Slowly my eyes fluttered open and I jumped at the sound of a car door slamming shut.

I squinted my eyes against the bring light from the sun as I tried to focus on the figure that approached me. I couldn't bring myself to move quickly enough to get away from the person, or even up from the ground for that matter. The figure finally reached me and slowly crouched down in front of me. At last my eyes focused and I realized who stood before me.

"Good morning," the blond haired boy said. I blinked several times and pushed myself up into a more upright position. It was then that I noticed exactly where I was.

I turned my head towards the headstone I had been leaning against. My name was carved into it. I didn't remember coming here last night but I also wasn't surprised that I'd ended up here.

"Morning," I slurred looking back at Mac, rubbing a hand over my eyes.

"Looks like you had...," Mac paused as he looked me over, "an eventful night."

I just grunted in response, feeling the headache I had coming.

"So how did you end up here?" Mac questioned as he turned his body and took a seat next to me in the grass.

I took a moment to fiddle with my fingers in my lap before I answered. "Honestly," I sighed, "I don't know."

I saw Mac nod in response from the corner of my eye. That's when a question formed in my mind.

"How did you know to find me here?" I asked finally turning my head in his direction.

"Just lucky I guess," he shrugged. I didn't entirely believe that but I was too tired to question him any further. Things grew quiet between the two of us for a moment. We both took the time to listen to the birds chirping around us, the sunlight seeping through the trees.

My mind began to race as my lips were soon moving faster than I could comprehend.

"I'm sorry," Mac and I both ended up saying to each other at the same time. I ruffled my eyebrows at him.

"What are you sorry for?" I tilted my head at him in confusion.

Mac let out a deep breath as he spoke his next words, "I should've told you about Stone and the classes."

"I shouldn't have over reacted," I said, shaking my head. "I knew that coming home again would be different but I guess I didn't realize how much things had changed or how hard it would be."

"Just because something isn't easy, doesn't mean you shouldn't do it," Mac said to me with a smirk. I smiled back at him. "If that were true, I wouldn't have married you."

I leaned into Mac playfully pushing him slightly while we both chuckled. Once again we grew quiet, but that didn't last too long this time.

"Hey," Mac spoke up, "can I ask you something."

I looked at him giving him a soft nod before he continued.

"I know you said you didn't want to talk about it," he started, and I quickly knew where this was going, "but that day I found you... how did you end up here?"

I sat there in silence for a moment. I quickly formulated the story in my head, and while I would be telling him the truth... I still felt like I was lying to him.

"While I was..." I paused, looking for the words, "away... the man liked to do everything he could to bring me down, hurt me... just break me in any way he could."

I could see Mac shifting uncomfortably where he sat. But I ignored it as I continued.

"He used to remind me all the time that I was dead," I said, "that I would never see my family again, that I was dead to the rest of the world. For the longest time I didn't believe him. I refused to."

Mac reached out and took my shaking hand into his and began rubbing circles on the back of it.

"Then one day he threw me into the van and brought me here," I gestured to the surrounding area. "And that's when I learned the truth. I knew that he hadn't been lying to me."

"Skye," Mac sighed but I quickly went in before he could say anything else.

"I was dead," I stated bluntly, "To you... and to Stone. And no matter how much I wanted to change that, I couldn't."

"But you did," Mac sat forward now, taking my face into his hands. "You came home to us. And I've meant to bring a sledge hammer to his headstone everyday since then."

"Don't," I placed my hands on top of his and slowly pulled them down. I saw the confusion cross Mac's eyes at this.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because," I answered, "that's the day I died. That's the day that the Skye you knew left." I paused for a moment, breaking the eye contact with Mac. "And I don't know how to get her back."

Mac just looked at me, tears whelping up in both of our eyes. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to his chest. I held tight to him as I held back a sob. I knew that I was keeping key details from Mac but I also wasn't lying to him because that is what happened and I would never be able to forget it.

The sound of Mac's phone buzzing in his pocket ended our moment. I pulled away from him, sitting up and wiping the tears from my eyes. Mac pulled the phone from his pocket and I already knew what it was before he spoke.

"It's work," he huffed, holding his phone up for me to see, "I've gotta go."

I gave him a soft nod before he stood to his feet and pulled me up to mine as well. Mac took a moment to stop and take my hands into his.

"Just to make this clear," he said in an endearing tone, "no matter how much of a challenge it seems to be, Stone and I are glad you found your way back to us."

I smiled in return then watched him run off to save the world. While I wasn't certain of what his new mission would be, I quickly became suspicious it might have something to do with what I'd done last night.


Author's Note:

Hey y'all! Finally! The Friday updates that I promised have returned. I hope y'all enjoyed this moment between Mac and Skye! I know I've missed those moments. Skye's trying to be good but I'm not so sure she's found her way back there yet.

What was Skye's mission? Will Mac discover what Skye is doing behind his back? How is Stone adjusting to the return of his mother? Stay tuned!

Much love y'all!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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