Chapter 18

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The walk to class the next morning was extremely silent. Todoroki was constantly thinking about how he was going to phrase the news to his students so it was easy to understand and didn’t freak them out. Bakugo however was wondering why the former was so quiet, usually he would at least say something to start a conversation and then just hear the blonde ramble about whatever it was that interested him that day. Honestly, the silence kind of pissed him off, but deep down he knew that a bit of him was worried. He decided in the end just to brush off that feeling.

When they arrived at the door of the classroom, Todoroki stopped, making Bakugo stop and look back at him with confusion. “When we go in, and we split ways, check your messages.” And with that Todoroki walked into the classroom, he was immediately bombarded at the door when everyone saw the two. Turns out word spreads like wildfire, Endeavor took a picture with Todoroki and Bakugo and posted it with the caption “So very proud” then Natsuo commented. ‘Look at my brother and his boyfriend.’ This comment caught the attention of many and soon everyone knew about it.

So once everyone saw them they started questioning them. ‘Such as how long has this been going on for?’, ‘When were you going to tell us?’, ‘How did you guys get together?’ and so on and so forth. It wasn’t until Iida spoke up that they all quiet down. “Piers,” he said, “I know you are all very curious, but how about we give them time to explain.” This caused everyone to back off, allowing Bakugo and Todoroki to breathe for a second before Bakugo nodded at Todoroki to explain. “Me and Bakugo are not actually together, he just said something before to my father and we had to come up with an excuse to make it reasonable.” Todoroki stated.

Just then, Mina raised her hand, “Are you going to continue this act?” She asked, awaiting an answer. “Yes.” Bakugo replied. “So it would be nice if you could keep quiet for now.” Just then, a tiny hand in the back of the crowd was up, it was Mineta. “So,...are you two gay?” Everyone went silent, it was the question they all really wanted to know, but were too afraid to ask and disrespect their privacy. “I mean I prefer pansexual, but yes” Todoroki spoke first, shocking many. Bakugo followed up by saying. “Yeah, I prefer bisexual, but in a way.” This made more questions in the other’s mind arise. However, Aizawa walked in before they could be asked, so they all sat in their seats.

Once class was over, Mina spoke up and invited everyone over to the common room so that they could hangout and talk before they had to fall asleep. Everyone agreed to join, even Bakugo with a bit of persuading, and when school was over they were all seen in the common room. “So what do we start with first?” Midoriya asked, still a bit confused on what all had happened so far.

“Well,” Mina began, “We can start by getting rid of all the tension in this room!” She shouted, her voice getting louder with every word. You could tell she was pretty fed up with not having any of her many questions answered. “For starters, you!” She said pointing at Bakugo. “What?”  He was annoyed that he was even there, no less that he was called out first. “Who was you gay( or bi) awakening?” Mina had started off strong, she refused to be in the dark for any longer. She wanted to know everything. “Wait!” Kirishima interrupted, “If we are going to do this, we should at least play truth or dare.” With much persuasion, Mina was convinced. “Fine! Truth or dare Bakugo”

Now Bakugo was even more irritated “ Why the fuck am I the one always getting picked!” This outburst caused Kirishima who was right beside him to slowly shift to the left, away from him. “Doesn’t matter!” Mina said “Truth or dare?” She asked happily. “Dare…” He said angrily, somewhat pouting. “I dare you to tell me who your gay awakening was.” Mina was dead set on getting an answer out of him. Usually, this would be a time when Iida would step in and explain to her that she shouldn’t be so nosey. However, he, as many of their classmates, was way too deep into learning the blonde males secrets to care.

“It was Hawks.” This made Tokoyami, who was drinking his drink calmly and not paying much attention, start choking on his soda. This left everyone in shock for a second before Midoriya spoke up. “I mean, it makes sense.” He explained “Hawks is one of the few very young and successful heroes of today. He is very smart and is very attractive.”

“Yea I guess…” Tokoyami said, nodding his head, still recovering from the shock. “Glad it isn’t Endeavor, that would be awkward.” Denki stated making everyone look at him like ‘what the fuck, man’. Then, Mina cleared her throat to gain everyone’s attention again. “Bakugo, now you can choose who goes next.” Bakugo looked around the room before rubbing his hands together and smiling maliciously. “Deku truth or dare?” Midoriya thought for a moment before saying ‘truth’ , thinking that whatever the question will be, it will be better than last time when Bakugo dared him to egg Aizawa’s cat and it give him back in a cardboard box. Midoriya received a month and a half of house arrest.

“Why were you in Dunceface and Kirishima’s room and why was Kirishima’s shirt off?”Bakugo asked. This question made everyone look at the two. Kaminari got up and left for a second while this was being asked. Kirishima and Deku’s faces were both flushed. “Well me and Kirishima were just studying-” Midoriya started “And I got hot so I took my shirt off.” Everyone looked at them, absolutely not believing a single word they were saying. “Sure.” Bakugo said not satisfied with the answer he was given. Midoriya, now having the go ahead to ask someone else, picked Kaminari since he was just coming back to his seat.

“Kaminari” The green haired boy began. “Truth or dare?” Kaminari replied quickly without a moment's hesitation. “Dare” Midoriya thought of a good dare before thinking. “I dare you to explain why you left earlier without saying anything?” Kaminari tried to come up with a good lie to no avail. “I just wanted to, the situation was awkward for me.” Kaminari stated. This got Midoriya questioning things even more. “How was it an awkward situation for you? If anything, Kirishima and I should have been the most uncomfortable.” He was getting super curious. “Well I used to have a crush on you. So the thought of hearing you guys try to hide and cover up what you clearly did, seeing as I had to sit in my room and hear you. It was pretty awkward for me and I couldn’t take it so I left.” Kaminari explained nonchalantly. “It’s fine now of course. I am already in a relationship so it’s fine.”
With how calmly Kaminari explained the whole thing it made everyone pretty uncomfortable and made them pity not only the fact that his crush did not reciprocate his feelings, but also that he could speak about it so calmly.

"Well that's awkward" Shoji said breaking the silence.

Sorry for not uploading for so long. There were tests and I had no motivation hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a good day.

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