Chapter 11

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Meanwhile back at Bakugo and Todoroki's dorm

While Bakugo was looking for a friend to talk with Todoroki was silently sulking. He was regretting not replying and pushing Bakugo away. All of the sudden all the anxiety came flooding into his brain, starting with the what ifs.
'What if he hates me now!? What if he is bad mouthing me right now? How should I act if he comes back? What if he never comes back? What if he tells everyone? What if everyone hates me!'

Never ending tears were flooding out of Todoroki's closed eyes, and he was hyperventilating. He was trying to calm down, but that only made it worse. He shakily stood up from the floor and headed to the bathroom and did the only thing he knew how. After he started the bathtub, he sat down by the side of the tub. When it was full enough, he turned of the water with his shaking hand, and still hyperventilating he dunk his head in the water quickly. It was the only way he knew how to stop his panic attacks.

When he was about five years old, he had a panic attack similar to this one. Fuyumi was with him at the time, and when she saw her younger brother hyperventilating she went in to panic. Because she was also young she had no real idea what was happening. She rushed to the bathroom and filled a container up to the brim with water. Rushing back to Shoto, she dumped the water onto Shoto's body, watching as he slowly but surely calmed back down. Ever since then, Todoroki has used that as a calming mechanism.

Once he had calmed down, Todoroki pulled his head back up and grabbed the nearest towel. He made his way back to is feet as he dried himself, slowly making his way to the kitchen. Todoroki's stomach rumbled as he opened the refrigerator looking for something to eat. Seeing nothing of his interest, he looked towards the cabinet his eyes immediately landing on some instant soba he had stocked away.

He grabbed the container, prepared it and stuck it in the microwave waiting for the beep. When he saw the timer go to ten he grabbed his chopsticks and made his way back over to the microwave watching as it made its way to zero. When it beeped he immediately opened it and pulled his soba out. He added the flavoring and vegetables into the noodles and mixed it all together. Even when it was mixed he continued to mix.

This was one of the times he was happy his OCD stepped in. When he was younger and his mother was still around, she realized that he liked the taste of vegetables, but if he saw them he wouldn't eat it. So when he is mixing it more than average, he can't see them.

Once he was finished, he walked back over to the refrigerator and placed it on the second shelf. Closing the refrigerator, he made his way to the couch as he waited for the soba to cool down. He collapsed on the couch scrolling through his phone looking for something to do.

At one point while scrolling through his phone, he passed out on the couch. After a good nap, he awoke to his phone on the floor, his hair a mess, and a cramp in his neck. Luckily though, his food had been cooled at this point, so he stood up and headed toward the prison that was holding his delicious food captive. Once he grabbed his food, he walked to the counter and started to eat. At one point his mind drifted to how it would be different if Bakugo was here, but he quickly a hoped that out of his mind.

Todoroki ended up only finishing half of his soba, so he grabbed a sticky note and pen from his room and wrote a note for Bakugo when he comes back. After he finished the note, Todoroki went back to his room to go back to sleep.

Skip for Midnight (love you)

When Bakugo looked at the time on his phone, he grabbed his phone and thanked Jirou for her time, waving to Yaomomo as he took his leave. He scurried back to his room as quietly as he could trying not to be caught by a teacher passed curfew. As he unlocked the dorm's door, he noticed a bowl on the counter with something yellow on top of it. As he made his way over to the bowl, he pondered about what it could possibly be.

He saw a bowl of some type of noodles with a blue sticky note. He picked up the sticky note and began reading.

Dear Bakugo,

I'm sorry for not answering you and making you mad that wasn't really my intention however it is what it came off to be. It was rude of me to push you away when you probably just tried to help. The soba that this attached to is yours by the way. This is my apology letter, Hope you accept.


Upon reading the letter, Bakugo went to Todoroki's room to thank him. However, the heteromatic male seemed to have already fallen asleep. Disappointed but glad, the blonde male headed towards his room where he to would fall into a silent slumber.


1. I would like to apologize for the long wait, I had school work, doctor appointments, and chores that I needed to get done.

2. Thank you for still reading my book! It means a lot!

That is all I have to say! Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

As always, hope you have an amazing day!

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