Chapter 16

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"I hate today" Todoroki mumbled as he lay in bed. A few days ago, after his and Bakugo's talk, Fuyumi had called him. Endeavor was inviting Shoto and Bakugo have dinner, so he could see if the blonde was "worthy". Fuyumi told Shoto he didn't have to come,and he wasn't going to, but Bakugo insisted on showing Endeavor what he could do. Mostly just to spite the old man.

Todoroki groaned as he got out of bed to get ready. He got showered pretty quickly and got dressed. As he was putting on a white button up shirt, he had trouble on one of the buttons. It was the last one and everytime he buttoned it he would hear a voice in his head say to u button it. This happened a for a while before he finally gave in and just tucked in the shirt so that the bottom wouldn't even show.

He walked outside of his room to see a complete mess. He scrunched up his face and went right to cleaning. He went to the kitchen closet to grab the broom, only to be terrified by the amount of bugs surrounding the cleaning supplies. He immediately rushes to Bakugo's room and pounded on the door.

"What!" The blonde haired boy screamed from the other side of the door. Todoroki waited as he heard footsteps approaching. "What is it Todoroki?" Bakugo asked. Todoroki, stunned by the fact the blonde actually used his name, paused for a second before grabbing Bakugo by his shirt and dragging him to the closet. "Open it." Bakugo scoffed, still irradiated, before opening the closet door. Right after he opened it,his face went pale and he closed it. The blonde rushed to his room to grab bug disinfectant. 

When he arrives back to the scene, Todoroki was backed up against the wall trying to crawl away from the insect. Just as it was getting to close Bakugo sprayed the creature causing it to die a slow and painful death. The blonde then went around the whole house spraying every other bug he could find. When that was finished, he and the heterochromatic male started to actually tidy up the house.

It surprisingly didn't take that long to finish so when the two boys went to check the time the still had a few hours till the dinner meet. They decided to chill in the living room to pass time. Todoroki sat on the left side of the couch battling Bakugo on Mario Cart, the ratio was 6:5. With Todoroki winning so much, it was inevitable for the blonde to not eventually get angry.   Just when the Bakugo was ready to challenge Todoroki again, the two boys heard a phone go off.

It was Bakugo's alarm, they had exactly an hour and thirty minutes to get ready and get there. It was slightly frustrating to the blonde that they couldn't finish, but he sucked it up and went to his room to get ready. He had laid out a white button up and khaki pants before the whole bug situation. So he just need to bathe and get dressed.

As he got ready, Todoroki checked he is own phone to check the time. Seeing how much time the had left scrolled through his phone until Bakugo was ready. When the blonde walked out of his room, Todoroki was in total awe. It took awhile for him to snap back into reality, but he got there eventually. The Bakugo walked to the counter, grabbed the keys, and opened the door for the heterochromatic male as they left their dorm.

They chatted on their way to the car, Bakugo in the front seat and Todoroki taking the passenger. Bakugo, being the oldest in the class got his driver's license before the others and the latter being the youngest has not gotten his. While they were on the road, Todoroki decided to text Fuyumi that they were going to be arriving shortly. To which she responded saying 'Okay, see you in a bit.' As they arrived and had parked, they noticed Nastuo greeting them by waving from the porch. They exited the car and walked towards the white haired male.

"How have you been Shoto?" Natsuo asked, to which the younger replied " Good. Why are you standing outside?"   Bakugo was just quietly trailing behind the two as they talked, feeling out of place. "Well," Natsuo began "Fuyumi said I should because she didn't want the house to be too tense when you and your friend arrived. Also, it beats having to stay inside with Father anyway." The white haired male noted as they made their was to the dining area.

Natsuo opened the door to reveal Endeavor in a navy blue turtleneck sitting at the end of the table with a terrifying look as always. Todoroki walked in whispering to Bakugo to sit anywhere he would like. After that, he spoke to his Endeavor. "Hello Father." The boy said in a cold tone.



I truly apologize for the wait. Between things like finishing the school year, sports, and just a general lack of motivation it was hard to write this chapter. I started on this right after the last chapter, it was honestly just hard coming up with ideas for this chapter. Thank you for being patient and still supporting the book. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I will start the next one as soon as I can, but right now I'm running low on energy. Have a good day or night.

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