Meeting the Enemy

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Some time has passed in the cell.

Sans wandered in it, walk in circles waiting for something to happen.

He even just figured out that he is wearing some sort of collar.

Maybe a tracking device to make sure if he escaped or not.

But wasn't worried about the collar, he noticed he wasn't wearing any clothing.

All he sees is his own bones.

He is naked in some jail area, and there are no blinds or towels just to cover him.

Why would some justice facility (Or whatever you call it) take away someone's clothes?

Is it because he is a skeleton? That might be it since humans see naked skeletons almost everyday from using x-rays and/or from Halloween decorations.

But having a living skeleton is another story.

Skeleton monsters are known to summon specific type of 'ecto-bodies' when they want to, meaning they can summon a p*ssy if they want to but they still have to wear clothes regardless if they have something summoned or not.

It's just plain old common sense to wear clothes.

Unless he is in horny jail then... sh!t

Maybe he is in jail for being horny for some reason, he can barely remember a time when he last touched himself.

Sans' thoughts was interrupted by a little ache that started to whirl up in his stomach.

Sans was hungry.

It wasn't that bad at this point, but it will get worse overtime if no one comes in the area.

If Sans remembers correctly, there is a specific time where a group of guards would come in and get the caged criminals for them to get food from the cafeteria, trusting them enough to not attack them or attempt to escape.

So not too bad, Sans just has to wait until someone comes for him.

But at the same time, what would the food taste like because Sans has never been in jail before.

But either way, food is food, he needs something before stuff gets serious for him.

So Sans sat down on the floor and wait.

Beep Beep

Beep Beep

There was that sound again.

The same alarm clock sound.

Maybe just to wake whoever is in the separate cells, but Sans don't know for sure.

So he continued to wait.

More time has passed and Sans felt miserable.

No one has come to get him.

What is taking them so long?

Maybe their busy with training and maybe getting food ready...

Almost an hour has passed and Sans really needs some food.

Maybe their never going to let me eat... If so I must've did something unthinkable...

His thoughts was rushing, it was hard to focus from how much he was starving.

His stomach and SOUL was ready to murder Sans' a$$ from not getting food.

Sans curled up on the floor in pain.

As he waited, he heard a heavy door open and close.

His head slightly perked up but didn't move from his position he was in.

He sees two people.

One was clearly a guard while the other was a woman with a clipboard in her hands.

Sans looked at them weakly on the floor.

The woman looked pretty young. She has pale skin, long, ginger hair and bright blue eyes. She is wearing glasses with a blue rim, a purple shirt, a black jacket tied around her waist, jeans and tennis-shoes.

She technically looked like she is still in college but at the same time not in college.

The woman got out some keys and what Sans assumes is unlocking the cell door.

After the woman finding the right key to unlock his cell, she opened it and went inside with the guard staying at the cell door to prevent it from closing and making sure Sans doesn't attack the woman.

"Careful, Diana. It is just like the others. It may look harmless but it can throw hands," the guard warns the woman, known as Diana.

Did he referred to me as an 'it'?

"Now, now, Garrett. I got this." Diana said. She sounded pretty young compared to the guard, Garrett, whose voice is a little scratchy. It's like listening to Gaster or Papyrus with a sore throat.

Diana walked slowly towards Sans and kneeled down.

"Hello, little guy," she spoked with that tone of voice you would use towards your pet.

Sans was a little offended from how she spoke to him as if he was an animal.

He opened his mouth to speak but he couldn't.

No sound would come out.

It even hurts trying to speak.

What did they do to me?

Diana began to talk again.

"No need to get scared, we're just here to get you to the cafeteria. Breakfast is ready," she spoke softly, still sounding like as if she is still talking to a puppy.

Even though Sans didn't like how she is speaking to him, he stood up and followed Diana out of the cell.

Before he could even step foot out, though, Garrett got a hold of Sans' collar and attached a chain to it and pulled on it like a dog on a leash.

"Garrett, their not a dog! They don't need to be put on a stupid leash!"

They/them pronouns... at least it's more better than being called an 'it', Sans thought as his wrists was being cuffed by Garrett.

"Mam, we are told to do this to these f*ckers without question nor complaint, so keep your thoughts to yourself." Garrett said as he began tugging on the 'chained leash'.

"Get to moving, ya shit!" He yelled at Sans which gave the skeleton really aggressive flashbacks to the dreams he had.

This reminded him of a dream where he and Papyrus was being experimented on by Gaster and there were plates on the back of their hands.

Even though this event never happened, it never stopped Sans from thinking about it.

So Sans began following Diana with Garrett behind him still holding the chain.

Why is this happening? (an Undertale fanfic) Discontinued/OLDWhere stories live. Discover now