Getting Back

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Killian's POV
David and I start climbing down the beanstalk, but we feel a strange wobble.
Oh hell!
I hope this bloody beanstalk doesn't fall and we end up dead!
"You alright, Mate?" I shout to Charming.
"I'm fine. But hang on." He replies.

Emma's POV
Where are they? Where is my husband and my dad? I could sense something was happening.
The Black Fairy is gone, and this curse is breaking slowly because me, the Saviour was pregnant and went into labour in the Enchanted Forest.
"Mom! Regina. Can you please go find them? David and Killian." I say.
"Of course, Sweetheart."
"Of course, Emma. Be back in a flash." Regina waved her hand and she and my mom disappeared into purple smoke.
After they left, I continued to cry and I felt hands touch me.
"Don't worry Mom. We'll get the baby back." Henry says.
"I'm sorry.,, I didn't get to name her." I sniffed.
He pulled me in for a hug. "It'll be okay."
I am so lucky to have him as my son.

David's POV
This beanstalk is really wobbling. Then Hook, I mean, Killian slipped and was about to fall. "HOOK!!" I cried and I grabbed his hand."Hang on!"
I try to hold onto his hand as long as I could, but with another wobble, we let go and Killian fell.
No. Then I could feel the beanstalk lean over and then everything went black.

Snow's POV
When Regina proofed us to find Killian and David, we were both shocked when we found the tipped over beanstalk.
"Oh my god!"
"DAVID!" I called
We heard grunting from under some vines and when we removed them, we found Killian.
"Killian?" I say to my son-in-law.
"Hello there, Mummy." He says. I chuckled.
There's been a wedding and this will take time to get used to.
"Are you alright?" Regina asked.
"I'll live." Killian said.
"Where's David?" I asked with worry.
"He must have fallen somewhere back there," Killian points down the way where the beanstalk was going.
"Did you get the bean?" I asked.
"Aye I did. We did." He says holding it in his hand.
"Regina, you and Killian go back to Emma and I'll find David." I say.
"Are you sure about that, Snow?" Killian asked.
"I'm sure." I say and head along to find David.

Killian's POV
"I'll get us back." Regina said. She waved her hands and before we know it, we're back in the castle.
I see Emma in the bed crying and Henry's with her.
"Emma." I say.
"Dad." Henry hugs me and then I go to Emma and kiss her.
"Did you get it?" Emma asked.
I show her the bean in my hand.
"Thank god."
"Where's grandpa?" Henry asked
"I don't want to worry you, but Snow's out looking for him." I say
"What? What happened?" Emma asked.
"The beanstalk fell, but your father is a survivor." I say.
"You always said you're a survivor." Henry said
"This is a family of survivors." I say
We chuckle.

Snow's POV
"DAVID!!" I called. But no answer
Then I spot him past out on a log.
"David." I say with panic.
He was unconscious. I kissed him and he woke.
"You found me." He said
"Did you ever doubt it?" I asked. We chuckled and kiss again.
"We have to get we back. We have to save our granddaughter." I say and we head back to the castle as quick as we could.
Emma's POV
My parents made it back safely and thank goodness my dad was alive.
Killian was right, he is a survivor.
We're all survivors.
"We got the bean," I say and Killian hands it to me, "now we must go."
I throw it to the ground, but for some reason it just disappears.
"What the hell?" I say.
"Where did that bloody bean go?" Killian asked.
"The curse is broken now Saviour," a voice says. Gideon.
We turn around and there he is holding the bean. "You won't need this. I can take you."
"What did you do with my daughter?" I asked
"Oh she's fine. You'll get her back after your final fight." He says.

With a wave of his hand. We are back in Storybrooke.

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