The Creature???

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I've gotten too tired of this 'Secret Placing' Thing. They always know when im asleep. Its NOT close to December.. So it isnt Santa Claus... So who is it!!! Ugh... "Zizi?? Nope. Defenitely not." She would chicken out or throw her head to even get it for me. DO YOU KNOW HOW SHORT SHE IS TOO!!! 68CM!!!! Okay.. So. It isnt her.

"Kebi. No." He would fart in it most likely. and his fart is the WORSE. Its normal tomato juice.. I dont taste any diffrence each time. He can reach the vending machine and most likely smash it into the vending machine JUST to get it. It doesnt have scratches on it so thats not a possiblity is Kebi. 

"Frankie.." No. Absolutely not. He'd eat the thing before giving it to me. so. no.

"Kong Kong... Hes too respectful.." He might be the one doing it. Every night??.. No. He doesnt have THAT much energy.. Does he?? He doesnt know when i sleep though. So. Im not thinking its him.. Maybe i should ask. Or wait till he talks to me. Yeah. Thats better.

(Somewhere else) 

???'s Pov.
BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!!! ???: "Alright its almost about time for me to go get it again.. He needs his rest after all." I start getting up and get my money and keys walking out and locking my door going to the school quickly and seeing the security guard "Hello sir. Im here to do the daily night check of the school." 

"Oh! Its you. Gladly. Make sure you dont get lost. This school is pretty big.." The security guard bows and opens the gate for me and closing it once I get into the school yard "I wont. Promise. I'll come back out!!." The security gaurd nods and sits at the gate waiting for me to do a quick check of the school. What he doesnt know that isnt what im here for..~~ 

I walk down the stairs to the bottom layer of the school and seeing the vampire I serve on top of the lockers. 'Heh.. He's probably so confused... Im not risking him finding out im a human though...' I think climbing up and grabbing him softly and coming back down putting him back in his locker quietly and closing it with a smile on my face.

"Get the tomato juice and go back home. Its always been my schedule after everyone forgot about the incident. 'Oddly.. I've come to enjoy spending my money for him.' I go to the vending machine giving the money and grabbing the tomato juice going to his locker and placing it down in front of his locker then having an idea. I taking out a sticky note and write "Hey!! You dont know me but. Just know that if you see me.. Dont freak out... -From Someone -To Cula. I rush upstairs quickly and going back home saying goodbye to the security guard smiling "Goodbye my friend!!!" "See ya!" He smirks as i rush back home and jump in bed going fast asleep.

The Foolish Human I Love.. Spookiz Cula x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now