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Cula Pov.

'My head feels like its spinning.. After class im going to sleep. Im not in my usual mood' I think and then sigh looking at Kong Kong waving him over 'Yea Cula!? ' "Ow not so loud I'm tired.. Do me a favor and spitball everyone in the room. Or else we're not gonna hang out." Kong Kong's eyes widen and nods quickly making spitballs, following my directions hitting Kebi the most making him go crazy and chase him trying to bonk him on the head for spit balling him after a few minutes he gets tired and goes back to his seat grumpy as Kong Kong goes to his desk feeling happy he helped me as Kebi glares at him and me, I just smirk and close my eyes waiting for class to end in a few minutes.

Kong Kong Pov.

'Wow Kebi is mad!!!' I think and snicker and look at Cula who looks a lot more tired lately and isnt in the mood to be mean to anyone.. Thats really unusual.. Maybe i should talk to him after class ends. Yeah. Ill do that.. Oh Cula.. Please be alright... I smile at him closing his eyes and start writing notes for new kungfu moves I can do.

??? Pov. 

'He should be in class by now. Maybe i should pop up in a disguise just to check up on how hes doing. Or is that too late.. Yeah. too late. Ill do it tommorow. Ill go check on the note to see if he wrote in it at all though.' I think before walking out the house, locking my door with my jacket on and walking to the school and waving to the night gaurd "Hey again!!" I smile and point at the gate as he opens it and lets me in without a word.

 'We've been doing this for so long hes gotten used to it. Good. Makes it easier. Now enough thinking. Time to go.' I walk in the gate and he shuts it as I start quietly walking to his locker and looking at the time '15 minutes and 30 seconds. He'll be here soon.' I grab the note and read it responding.

 :How do i know about you? I know about the incident. Dont worry im not a threat. =) : I put a little smile next to it and write on another note :I just wanna be your friend. I can show you who i am when you wake up if you'd like. Im not a stalker!!!: I write the last part very quickly with a little pout face on it (-3-) giggling under my breath i put it on the locker and rush back upstairs and heading home saying goodbye to the gaurd.

((464 words. Nice.))

The Foolish Human I Love.. Spookiz Cula x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now