Chapter 6- Blacks and Broomsticks

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Frannie sighed, collapsing on her comforter face first with a groan. It had been a long couple days and Lily had been rather distant ever since their Charms class. The redhead was still polite and helpful, making sure she was adjusting, but there was a detached aura about her that hadn't been there before.

"Rough day?"

Frannie lifted up her head in embarrassment to see Alice peering at her sympathetically, stroking one of the leaves of her flower plant, which seemed to lean into her touch. "Sort of." She sat up, gazing at the yellow petals quizzically. "What is that?"

Alice flushed a light pink, looking rather flustered. "I found it in the back of the Herbology sheds. It hadn't been watered in a while so I thought I would care for it for a while." Her blue eyes widened innocently and Frannie felt a wave of sadness. They were so like Neville's. "I'll put it back though."

Frannie shrugged, lying back down on her pillow and trying to ease her throbbing headache. "You are going to love it more than anyone else. I would just keep it."

Alice smiled shyly, giving the plant a loving pat. "Marlene says I love Herbology more than people. I don't think so though." She looked over at Frannie, her expression hesitant. "It makes me want to have a real baby."

Frannie swallowed thickly, trying to hide the tears that were growing in her eyes. "You're going to be a wonderful mother."

The girl's eyes softened in amusement as she straightened the covers on her bed. "Well, I don't know when I'll have a child. But I do hope its not too far away. Frank wants one so badly I'm afraid I won't get pregnant." A brief shadow crossed her features.

Frannie stood, taking a few steps forward and squeezing Alice's hand. "I don't think you have anything to worry about," she replied carefully, her tone certain.

Alice frowned slightly, curiosity flashing briefly in her expression before she turned to leave the dormitory. "Thank you, Frannie." She smiled, her lips a bright pink under her black bob. "And don't worry about Lily, she'll come around."

Frannie gave a grateful nod, following the girl out of the common room before turning and making her way towards the Quidditch pitch. If Walburga had permitted her, she would have been a decent Chaser in her time, but pureblood witches were not supposed to play sports.

The sun was setting over the hills and the castle surrounded the lawn in shadow as Frannie pulled open the door to the locker rooms, breathing in a deep breath of fresh air. She couldn't remember the last time she had been down to the field. The Triwizard Tournament? Her expression darkened. She would rather not think of that.

Changing into a set of black practice robes, Frannie looked over her shoulder before ducking into the boy's locker rooms. No way was she using the school's brooms, which often leaned slightly to one side or shuddered when you mounted. Tip toeing over to the Gryffindor partition, she rolled her eyes at her father's locker. Of course, he would leave the lock unclasped. Not needing her wand, Frannie stuffed it into the pocket of her robes and took out the Nimbus 1750, careful not to bend the sprigs.

As she walked onto the field, she was relieved to find that it was empty. She didn't fancy interrupting a Quidditch practice, especially if it was Potter's. She had heard the boy was unforgiving when it came to training his team.

Mounting the broom, she relished the familiar feel of the wood in her grip as she rose into the air, weaving between the goal posts at an increasing speed. Letting out a cry of joy, she threw her arms in the air as she soared above the stands, the wind whipping her hair into her face. Unable to keep her balance for too long, she wrapped her fingers back around the shaft and did a series of turns and dives.

Hovering in the air, she remembering the Quidditch World Cup from fourth year. Draco had been rather unimpressed besides the group of performing veelas, but Frannie had been entranced by the strength of Victor Krum and his determination to catch the snitch.

Whipping her broom around, Frannie sped towards the ground at an increasing speed, the air roaring in her ears as the grass rose to greet her. At the very last minute, she pulled up sharply, the tips of her toes brushing the earth as she grinned. The Wronski Feint wasn't as impossible as it looked, although she was certain Krum performed it much better.

Suddenly, her gaze caught on a cloaked figure standing on the edge of the field, holding on to a broomstick. Frannie bit her lip, feeling a rush of embarrassment as she dismounted, her curls sticking to the sweat on her face.

"Sorry, I was just leaving—"

"Where did you learn to fly like that?"

Frannie's eyes widened as Regulus Black stood, observing her carefully as he shifted his broomstick from one hand to another.

"Er.. just practice at home really," Frannie responded awkwardly, fidgeting with the buttons on her robes. "My cousin was rather terrible and insisted I practice with him," she grinned, remembering the determined look on Draco's face as he told her he was going to beat Harry one day.

"Well, you're rather good," Regulus's tone was neutral, his face expressionless as he turned to walk away. "If you'll excuse me—"

Frannie grabbed his arm before she could stop herself and the Slytherin flinched backwards, shoving her off. "I'm sorry!" she cried, turning red. "I just er.. wondered if you would like to practice together sometime? I make an okay Seeker."

Regulus's lip curled as he eyed her skeptically, his grey gaze cold. "Are you attempting to fan girl over me? Because I assure you, I am not—"

"NO!" Frannie shook her head vehemently before realizing her mistake. Feeling like she should beat her head against the wall, she ran a hand through her curls. "I mean, no offense.. I just.." she let out a sigh. "Never mind."

As she turned away, Regulus's voice made her pause. "Thursday morning. Six am sharp."

Frannie grinned, turning back around to address her uncle, but he had already mounted his broom and disappeared into the darkening sky. 

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