Chapter 25- A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall

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"This is still blowing my mind." Marlene sat down heavily next to Frannie as students milled into the Great Hall, waiting for the dueling club to start. "I mean Voldemort," her tone was casual as she mentioned the name, as though it were common place, "literally split his own soul and put it into a bunch of random stuff." Her nose wrinkled, faint freckles shining on her skin. "I can't tell if its creepy or just pathetic. And the diary? Such a girl thing."

Frannie let out a snort, her chocolate gaze glimmering with amusement as she looked at her mother. Only Marlene would make light of a horcrux. "You know," she fiddled with the edge of her sleeve nervously. "It's going to be dangerous. You really don't have to come."

"What? And miss out on all the fun?" Marlene raised a disbelieving eyebrow. "Please. I'm even willing to suffer the ridiculous name James and Sirius came up with."

At his mention, Sirius popped up from behind them, wrapping an arm around Marlene's shoulder. "You think the Conquerors is brilliant, sweetheart," he leaned in towards her lips, taunting her with a smug grin. "It is created from my genius after all."

Marlene's cheeks flushed and Frannie turned away, feeling rather uncomfortable at the sight of her parents.

"I'm actually rather glad mother and father never got along," Draco watched Sirius and Marlene flirt with a look of disgust. "I think I would have been sick if I walked in the manor to that."

Frannie got a dark look in her eye as she leaned forward mischievously. "I don't know, maybe Narcissa thinks long hair is a turn on. I mean, Lucius does have the most silky—"

"FRANCESCA!" Draco snapped, swatting away her hands. "Don't be disgusting."

Remus shook his head at the bickering cousins in amusement, his gaze flickering to Professor Huckleroot, who had just entered the hall. "How have you two survived each other?"

"I ask myself the same question every day," Draco responded, shaking his head. "And we don't even have Potter's luck."

Frannie sucked in a sharp breath as Remus's eyes narrowed, the boy folding his arms over his chest. Draco let out a soft curse. "James has a son, doesn't he?" the werewolf glanced between them. "Based on the level of jealousy and competition from Draco, I guessed it was a boy."

Frannie snorted despite herself, wincing as her cousin stomped on her foot. "I think Harry was Draco's ultimate love." Her eyes widened as the name slipped from her lips and Remus grew rather pale.

"Harry?" the Gryffindor whispered, his eyes widening in realization as they fell on the back of Lily's head. "That's what Lily wants to name her first boy."

Frannie stiffened, glancing at James unconsciously as he joked around with Peter. So, it wasn't James's idea after all. And if they ever had chil—she forced herself to stop the thought. He and Lily were still a possibility.

Remus sighed and she swore she saw a faint sadness flash in his eyes as he turned to the floor. "I mean, he was so persistent all these years.. but Lily was never interested and after you," he looked up at Frannie with a frown, distrust in his chocolate orbs. "What are you doing with him?"

"I'm in love with him."

The words were out of Frannie's mouth before she even realized what she was saying and the blood rushed from her face as she pressed her hand over her lips. Draco whipped around, wincing as he turned his neck too harshly.

"You didn't tell me that!" her cousin snapped, his grey gaze flashing with worry. "Fran. You can't get too attached—"

"I know," Frannie breathed weakly, blinking back a wave of tears. "I can let him go." She looked at Remus urgently, grabbing her godfather's hand. "Please, Remus. Don't say anything about Harry. I shouldn't meddle."

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