14 Years Later

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14 Years Later

Frannie sighed, pushing the trolley cart through the crowd and glancing apologetically at the unfortunate person who happened to get in her way. She had always been horrid at controlling the bloody things.

"Now, let's stand back and watch your mother in her natural habitat," James wrapped his arm around their two daughters. "All passerby beware!"

"Oh, shove off," Frannie rolled her eyes, elbowing her husband good naturedly in his stomach. "Florence, Twila, pay your father no attention. He's just mad I wouldn't let him go to Quidditch practice."

James clutched a hand to his chest, pretending to seize dramatically. "Fran, it's the Harpies best year yet. And with me as star chaser—"

"They're sure to lose," Twila quipped, her black hair hanging down in smooth tresses as her almond-shaped eyes wrinkled prettily.

"Hey, dad's a great player," Florence defended, her dark eyes flashing as she pulled on the blue collar of her robes. She had certainly picked up James's unhealthy passion for the sport.

Frannie smiled, reaching over to smooth back the many braids of her older daughter's hair. She and James had adopted them both at a young age, and although there was often fighting, the pair was rather inseparable. "I never said he wasn't, Flo. Just that his priority should be seeing his daughters off to their first day of the school year." Her gaze narrowed at her husband.

"Hey, I'll see them all the time," James threw an arm over her shoulder, smiling happily. "What, with you as their DADA professor. Although," he wriggled his eyebrows suggestively. "I wouldn't say no to an empty house."

"Prongs, get your hands off my daughter!"

James and Frannie looked up in amusement as Sirius strolled onto the platform, closely followed by Marlene, who immediately wrapped her arms around Florence's and Twila's shoulders, sneaking them a few packs of Drooble's.

"GRANDPA!" Twila and Florence cried together, evil smirks on their faces.

Sirius winced, shaking his head desperately. "I HATE THAT NAME!" He rubbed a tired hand over his face. "I'M NOT EVEN OLD!"

"You keep telling me how your back hurts more every day," Marlene rolled her eyes, tossing her blonde hair behind her shoulder. She now opted for a bright pink lipstick these days. "And we're still in our early thirties."

"Look!" Frannie nodded toward a couple approaching the group, their figures becoming clear as the smoke shifted. "It's Auntie Lily and Uncle Remus!"

Florence and Twila gave excited cries as their Charms and Transfiguration professors appeared out of the smoke, their son pushing his own cart besides them and looking rather nervous. "HARRY!"

Frannie smiled as she gazed at Harry Lupin, his features much more tanned and narrower than the Harry she had once know, although his eyes were exactly the same. Remus had told them that as a soul could only exist at one time, even if Marlene and Sirius had decided to have a child, Frannie wouldn't be born again. Still her parents had opted to remain childless, Sirius assuring her that the reason Frannie turned out as well as she did was because she wasn't raised by him.

However, it seemed that the soul of her Harry was now the son of Lily and Remus, although she was glad to see he was not as arrogant and hot-headed as she remembered. Casting a glance at James, she shook her head quietly. Maybe she could blame him for Twila's temper.

"You alright, Fran?"

She grinned as Peter approached, his hand locked in Mary's as the happy couple waved their four children goodbye. "Never better, Pete."

"Do you know what I heard?" Sirius wriggled his eyebrows mischievously. "Reggie's son has a thing for that Granger girl."

Frannie let out a groan. "WHY HER?" Her thoughts drifted to a pale-faced Slytherin, his blonde hair shining in the sunlight as he let out a laugh. Her lips curled into a sad smile. There wasn't a day she didn't miss her cousin.

The train let out a loud whistle and the children scrambled to get on the train, Twila reaching out to grab her trunk from Frannie, her scarlet tie already wrinkled.

"Don't worry mum," she exchanged a look with Florence. "If we miss the train, we can always take a flying car."

Frannie sighed, waving her children aboard hurriedly. "I knew I would regret telling you that story! Now go find a compartment and stay out of trouble!"

"Trouble seems to run in our family, deer," James murmured, pressing a kiss to the side of her forehead. "It makes life a bit more exciting."

Frannie grinned, patting her husband's chest teasingly. "I only say that because it sounds like the parental thing to say, you know."

Lily snorted, leaning her head on Remus's shoulder as the platform began to clear, the train pulling away from the station. "How have we managed to survive all these years?"

The group watched as the scarlet train disappeared into the distance, carrying years of memories along with its gentle steam. Frannie smiled, her heart swelling with thankfulness.

"By holding onto each other."

The Turns of Time- James Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now