Chapter 21- A Unexpected Development (I still don't approve- Padfoot)

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"How badly did it hurt?"

Frannie looked up as she made her way down the path to the Forbidden Forest, the rest of the group ahead as James walked by her side. "Wha— oh," her gaze fell on her left arm sadly. "One of the worst pains I've experienced." Subconsciously, she flexed her right arm, feeling the skin tighten. That won first place.

"Were you scared?" James shook his head, running a nervous hand through his hair. "Stupid question. Sorry I—"

"No, it's fine," Frannie reached over bravely and placed a reassuring hand on his arm. "I was terrified. But I told myself I would be strong enough to get through." She gazed off towards the trees, watching the snow fall on the branches. "But the people you're around will always affect you, even if you think you're strong enough to resist it. Small compromises always lead to much bigger ones."

She felt James shift on his feet beside her, his body giving off warmth that filtered through her robes as their shoulders brushed. "How did you not turn out like.. er.."

"A pureblood supremacist?" Frannie finished, glancing at the Gryffindor in amusement. "I always felt like the things Walburga taught me were wrong. After all, she and Orion were not kind people behind their smooth façade and I didn't think there was any way their beliefs could be honorable." She shivered, stuffing her hands in her pockets for warmth. "Then first year at Hogwarts, I was rather upset one night in a corridor by myself and I ran into a sweet boy who had lost his way to his common room. We became fast friends and he had a good heart," Frannie smiled, feeling a prick of tears at the memories. "He taught me a lot." She looked over at James, feeling rather shy. "Just promise you won't tell anyone, but he's Alice's and Frank's son."

James's eyes widened, snow beginning to collect in his hair. "No way," he grinned, exposing a dimple in his cheek. "Frank actually got some."

Frannie rolled her eyes, swatting him on the shoulder. "GROSS! Really, Potter," she shivered, desperately wishing for a warm blanket. "That's the first thing you thought of?"

"Here," she looked over to see James pulling off his Gryffindor sweater, exposing a bit of his stomach under his shirt. Frannie swallowed harshly, pulling her gaze away.

"No!" she raised her hands in protest, taking a step back. "Then you'll be cold! I'm just a baby when it comes to winter."

"I insist," James pressed the soft wool into her arms, refusing to take the sweater back.

Frannie sighed, pulling the sweater over her head and trying not to blush at the familiar smell of pine and butterbeer. "How do I look?" she raised her eyebrow flirtatiously, forgetting all the reasons why she shouldn't fancy her father's mate.

"Beautiful," James whispered, his hazel gaze widening as he took in Frannie's form, taking a step closer.

Frannie flushed. Harry certainly hadn't inherited any of his father's charm. Unable to look away, she took another step closer, their breath mingling in the frigid air as she leaned towards his warmth. "So are you."

"OI!" Sirius made the pair jerk away as he bounded back up the path. "Remus found a tree!"

Frannie was sure her face was scarlet as she scowled at her father. "I still can't believe we're stealing a tree from the Forbidden Forest to decorate the common room."

"It's our last Christmas here," Sirius shrugged, his silver gaze dancing with amusement. "May as well make it memorable." He looked between the two, seeming to connect the dots. "Am I interrupting something?"

"Yes," Frannie replied at the same time James said "No!"

She tried not to feel hurt as they heard Remus give a shout, Sirius disappearing back into the trees to see what was wrong. Taking off down the path, she didn't bother to wait for James. She was tired of pining after the boy when she knew nothing would come of it.

"Wait," James grabbed her elbow, forcing her to stop. His hazel gaze shone apologetically. "It's just Padfoot.. is.. er your father and I," he broke off, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "Never mind."

"No," Frannie snapped, feeling rather like she was on a Muggle roller coaster of emotions. "What is it?"


Frannie stiffened, her chocolate gaze widening as the wind pulled at the ends of her hair. "What did you say?" James looked pained at having to repeat himself.


"No," Frannie leaned closer, her heart pounding as their faces were inches from each other. "I heard you." She frowned, biting her lip. "But you should know that this is a terrible idea and I have no idea what it could do to the future," she said breathlessly, not meaning a word as she placed a hand on James's cheek, his stubble tickling her skin.

"Screw the future," James muttered, his pupils dilated as he tilted closer to her lips. Frannie closed the distance between them, pressing her lips gently against his as she leaned into his embrace, wrapping her other hand around his neck and tangling her fingers into his hair. She lost count of the seconds as James kissed her back, his mouth warm and all cold forgotten.

As they broke apart, she placed a hand over her lips in disbelief, feeling as though they were buzzing. "Whoa." She felt suddenly shy to look up, certain that James was now regretting his decision. "I.. er.. understand if you want to walk away," she stammered, forcing herself to stare at her feet, knowing she would lose all resolve if she met that hazel gaze again.

"Fran," James lifted her chin, his fingers gentle and his expression earnest as he shook his head firmly. "I'm not going anywhere."

"This is going to change everything," Frannie murmured, resisting the urge to look at his lips.

James grinned, a flash of arrogance in his gaze as he puffed out his chest. "Wasn't that the whole point of you coming here?"

Frannie bit back a smile, shaking her head in mock disapproval. "Excuses, Potter, excuses."

They both flinched as they heard a distinctive thud in the snow right on the edge of the forest.

"Looks like Padfoot found his tree," James wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer. "He plans on making Malfoy drag it back."

Frannie snorted, her cheeks flushing as she placed her hands on his chest. "I'm sure Draco will be thrilled."

"What that means," James continued, a mischievous gleam in his eye as he leaned in, his lips a hair away from Frannie's, making her breath catch. "Is that we have a few minutes to spare."

"You're going to be the death of me," Frannie muttered before James kissed her once more, making her forget about the rest of the world. 

The Turns of Time- James Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now